Status: Ratified 1 June 2017

Denmark has a unicameral system. The Folketinget (Parliament) gave its approval for CETA’s ratification in June 2017. Ratification was led by Prime Minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, and his coalition government, made up of liberal and conservative parties (Venstre Party, Liberal Alliance, and the Conservative People’s Party), and supported by by the Danish People’s Party.

Public debate

Denmark was one of the first EU member states to ratify CETA, with very limited contestation. Opposition to CETA stemmed from environmental, labour and trade unions. Opponents voiced concerns over GMOs (food safety), the investor-state dispute settlement provisions and CETA’s effect on environmental regulations. CSOs and NGOs opposed to CETA included Biodynamiske Forbrugere, European Work Hazards Network and the Danish Ecological Council. Proponents of CETA argued that the agreement with Canada would give Danish businesses better access to public procurement contracts and opportunities, and support investor rights.

Trade data

Denmark had a trade surplus in goods trade with Canada of €592 million in 2021 (Eurostat). Moreover, imports from Canada were €203 million, 0.6% of Denmark’s imports from outside the EU (Eurostat). Exports were €795 million, 1.6% of Denmark’s extra-EU exports. Canada-Denmark bilateral goods trade (imports + exports) grew by €312 million, or 33%, between 2016-2019 (Statistics Canada).


Corporate Europe Observatory. (November 2016). European and Canadian civil society groups call for rejection of CETA. Link
Eschbach, A. The Ratification Process in EU Member States – A presentation with particular consideration of the TTIP and CETA free trade agreements. Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law. Link
Patterson, B. (2017). “Barlow Challenges CETA at Christianborg Slot”. The Council of Canadians. Link.
Vestergaard Pedersen, P. and Kjaer, L. (June 2017). “Denmark is the second EU member-state to ratify CETA”. Lexology. Link.

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