Status: Not Ratified

France has a bicameral system that consists of the Assemblée Nationale and Sénat (National Assembly and Senate), requiring both to ratify CETA. In 2019, the National Assembly voted in favour of CETA, with a 266-213 vote. After a long delay, the Sénat voted on CETA in March 2024, rejecting the agreement in a lopsided 211-44 vote. The bill will now to back to the National Assembly, where President Emmanuel Macron’s party has since lost its majority.

Public debate

While President Macron and his party, Renaissance (formerly La République En Marche), support CETA, contestation has been intensive. Parties that oppose CETA’s ratification include the Republican Party, Debout la France, France Rebellious, the Communist and Socialist parties, and the far-right National Rally. The concerns that the opposition parties highlighted in parliamentary debates include economic interests, such as the beef sector and geographical indicators, as well as concerns surrounding food safety (i.e., hormones, GMOs and animal feed). Moreover, there is also contestation over the investor-state dispute settlement provisions and the potential for a “regulatory chill” in environmental and consumer protection. CSOs in opposition include agricultural associations, trade unions, consumer advocacy groups and environmentalists (e.g., Coordination Rurale, Federation Syndicale Unitaire and OGM dangers).

Trade data

France had a trade surplus in goods trade with Canada of €146 million in 2021 (Eurostat). Imports from Canada grew at €3.28 billion, which is 1.6% of France’s imports from outside the EU. Exports were €3.42 billion, 1.5% of France’s in extra-EU exports (Eurostat). Canada-France bilateral goods trade (imports + exports) grew by €2.17 billion, or 34%, increase between 2016 and 2019 (Statistics Canada).


Leali, G. and Moens, B. Politico. (June 2022). “Macron’s misfortune spells trouble ahead for EU trade.” Link.
Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. (July 2019). A focus on the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. Link.
Brewster, M. (June 2019). “Macron tells Trudeau that France will ratify CETA ‘as soon as possible'”. CBC News. Link.
Canadian Press. (April 2018). “Trudeau hails inclusivity in speech to French National Assembly; Le Pen grumbles”. Ipolitics. Link.
CBC News. (July 2019). “French parliament ratifies CETA trade deal with Canada”. Link.
Corporate Europe Observatory. (November 2016). European and Canadian civil society groups call for rejection of CETA. Link
Eschbach, A. The Ratification Process in EU Member States – A presentation with particular consideration of the TTIP and CETA free trade agreements. Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law. Link
France 24 News. (July 2019). “French lawmakers kick off debate on contentious EU-Canada trade deal”. Link.
Franceinfo. (July 2019). “Tribune de Nicolas Hulot contre le Ceta : ‘Il ne faut pas nourrir le sentiment que tout serait sous la force des lobbies'”. Link.
JDD. (July 2019). “La tribune de 25 députés LR contre le Ceta : “Ne faisons pas de l’alimentation un marqueur de classe sociale”. Le Journal du Dimanche. Link.
Radio Canada (March 2024). “UE-Canada : le Sénat français vote contre le traité CETA, menace contre sa ratification”. Link.
RFI. (July 2019). “French parliament approves EU-Canada trade deal despite opposition”. Link.
Vaudano, M. (July 2019). “CETA : qui a voté quoi parmi les députés.” Link.

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