Status: Ratified 26 July 2017
Malta has a unicameral system, requiring the House of Representatives to ratify CETA. CETA was ratified in July 2017, with formal notification of ratification in the same month. Two different governments, one led by the Labour Party and the preceding one led by the National Party, steered the process and ratified CETA.
Public debate
Contestation on CETA’s ratification was limited in Malta. Opposition stemmed from CSOs that argued that CETA’s investor-state dispute settlement provisions would erode environmental protections, labour rights and the enforcement of sustainable development. Opponent CSOs included Friends of the Earth.
Trade data
In 2021, Malta had a trade deficit in goods trade with Canada of €371 million (Eurostat). Imports from Canada were €389 million, which is 16% of Malta’s imports from outside the EU and the highest share for its extra-EU imports for Canada. Exports were €18 million, 1.4% of Malta’s extra-EU exports (Eurostat). Canada-Malta bilateral goods trade (imports + exports) decreased €536 million, or 83.8%, between 2016 and 2019 (Statistics Canada).
Mifsud Bonnici, C. and Stellini, D. (September 2017). “Why CETA matters”. Times of Malta. Link.
Eschbach, A. The Ratification Process in EU Member States – A presentation with particular consideration of the TTIP and CETA free trade agreements. Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law. Link
European Public Service Union. (June 2016). “Unions and Civil Society are Mobilizing: No to CETA – a bad deal for workers and people.” Link
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