The Transatlantic Trade Network builds on years of cooperation between our scholars, now upgraded to a multilateral consortium. The products of this collaboration can be found below.

Scholarly publications

Standardizing the World: EU Trade Policy and the Road to Convergence
Edited by Francesco Duina and Crina Viju-Miljusevic
Oxford University Press, 2023 (11 chapters, 276 pages)

“Reacting to the Politicization of Trade Policy”
Special Issue of the Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 31, No 1 (2024)
Edited by Dirk De Bièvre, Andreas Dür and Scott Hamilton
(10 articles)

Ratification tracker: Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the EU

The tracker monitors CETA’s ratification in the European Union, including public contestation, Canada-EU performance and information on each member state and their ratification progress, public debates and trade data. Click this link for the CETA Ratification Tracker.

Policy Briefs

Transatlantic Trade in Global Context

EU-Ukraine Trade Liberalization During Wartime: Implications for EU Enlargement and Strategic Autonomy in the Economic Domain
Maryna Rabinovych, University of Agder (June 2024)

Navigating the Storm: Ukraine’s Trade Relations in Times of War
Iryna Bogdanova, World Trade Institute (April 2024)

The War in Ukraine, Agricultural Value Chains and EU Policy Responses
Maksym Chepeliev, Purdue University (April 2024)

Transatlantic Trade Policy, Environmental Issues and Climate Change

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism + WTO = Impasse Totale?
Christian Häberli, University of Bern (December 2021)

A Better Transatlantic Agenda on Trade and Environment
Steve Charnovitz, The George Washington University Law School (December 2021)

The Politicization of the Trade-Environment Nexus in Canada
David J. Blair, Huron University College at Western University (December 2021)

The European Commission’s support for the production of these publications does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union