Thank you to everyone who participated in Psych-O-Chef (both the Chefs and the Eaters!). The Department of Psychology is thrilled to announce we raised $1840 for the United Way. WAY TO GO EVERYONE!!! Also a huge THANK YOU to the Dream Team, June, Etelle, Joanne, Gorana, Lea, and Kaitlin!! Thank you for pulling it all together and making sure it ran smoothly.

Also a special thank you to faculty, contract instructors, grad students and former staff members who contributed to this wonderful event.

Bragging rights go to (drum roll please)….

Savoury (a tie): “Heavenly Seafood Lasagna” by Adelle Forth and “Marvelous Maple Curry Chicken Penne” by Shelley Brown.

And now for the Dessert:  “Sweet Mania Carrot Cake” by Tina Daniels.

Thanks again everyone!