15.1 Once I’ve successfully completed all of my degree requirements, how do I get my diploma?

Once you have fulfilled all of the academic and administrative requirements for your degree, you have to apply to graduate through Carleton Central. The deadlines for online application are April 1 for June graduation, August 31 for November graduation, and November 30 for February graduation. Although there is no formal Convocation ceremony for February graduation, will receive an email to your Carleton cmail account (via Carleton360) by mid-May providing further details, including their specific ceremony date and time as indicated in the ceremony schedule.

If you plan to attend a Convocation ceremony, you will be presented with your diploma at that time. If not, visit the Diplomas page on the Registrar’s Office website to find out when you can pick yours up. Diplomas that are not presented at Convocation, or that are not picked up in person, will be mailed to students after a certain date. If you are having yours mailed, please note that it will be sent to the mailing address you provided in Carleton Central. If this address is no longer current, please make the necessary changes before the date mailing begins in order to ensure you receive your diploma at your updated address.

See Graduation Requirements (Academic Regulation 3.4.3) and Application for Graduation (Academic Regulation 3.4.4) in the undergraduate calendar for more information.

TIP: Graduation is not automatic. Make sure you apply once you have met your degree requirements, or if you will have met them in time for graduation.

15.2 How can I tell if I’ve successfully completed everything I need to for graduation?

Before you apply to graduate, you should confirm your eligibility by reviewing your audit. If your audit indicates “ALL REQUIREMENTS IDENTIFIED BELOW HAVE BEEN MET”, then you can apply for the next available graduation immediately through Carleton Central.

When you are getting ready to graduate at the end of any term, you are advised to see an advisor before the last day of registration to make sure that your current courses will indeed let you complete all of your program requirements. If you are on the right track, your audit should indicate “ALL REQUIREMENTS COMPLETED – IN-PROGRESS COURSES USED”, which means that you will become eligible to graduate when the current courses are successfully completed with required minimum CGPAs overall and in all the program elements.

The undergraduate calendar outlines the minimum CGPA requirements that you need in order to be eligible to graduate.

See Graduation Requirements (Academic Regulation 3.4.3) and Minimum CGPA Requirements for Graduation (Academic Regulation 3.4.6) in the undergraduate calendar for more information.

TIP: If you need to change any of your program elements to become eligible to graduate, you must apply via Carleton Central to Change Program Elements.

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