14.1 What are my responsibilities when it comes to Carleton University’s official rules and regulations and the Academic Integrity Policies?

The Senate establishes academic regulations and deadlines which are designed to ensure that academic standards are upheld and that all students are treated equitably. All of Carleton University’s official rules and regulations are Senate-approved, and are published in the official undergraduate calendar.

The most important thing to remember is that you are responsible for understanding what’s expected of you at the university. Since all of the academic regulations and deadlines are extensively publicized and made known in the calendar, the university website, and through Carleton email, you are expected to take full responsibility for meeting your academic obligations and for complying with these requirements.

You are also responsible for understanding the two university policies that govern student behaviour inside and outside the classroom: the Academic Integrity Policy and the Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy. The Academic Integrity Policy explains the rules and expectations governing academic behaviour (including definitions of cheating and plagiarism) and outlines the penalties that apply when the academic integrity rules are violated. The Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy explains the rules and penalties for conduct outside the classroom, including residence.

For more information, visit the Office of Student Affairs.

TIP: If you are ever unsure about how to interpret a rule, regulation, or procedure, ask an advisor for guidance. They can point you in the right direction.

14.2 What if circumstances beyond my control interfere with my studies?

The university does understand that circumstances beyond your control can occur that may get in the way of your meeting academic obligations. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, you may submit an Undergraduate Academic Petition, which is a formal request for accommodation with regard to the normal regulations and deadlines of the university.

An Undergraduate Academic Petition should be submitted immediately following the circumstances which have prompted the request and must be submitted within the deadline. Your request must clearly state which policy or regulation you wish to appeal, along with what you feel are your reasons for being granted special consideration (you must include supporting documentation for these reasons).

Contact the Registrar’s Office for more information.

TIP: Keep in mind that provisions for special consideration are not meant to compensate for ignorance of the regulations or deadlines, procrastination, poor judgment, or inconvenience.

14.3 What do I need to provide if I want to submit an Undergraduate Academic Petition?

An Undergraduate Academic Petition must include supporting documentation.

Where medical circumstances are being presented as grounds in your request, you have to submit medical documentation which is sufficiently specific to allow appropriate consideration of your request.

The documentation from your licensed health professional has to indicate that you were examined and diagnosed at the time of the illness. It should clearly indicate that the problem was serious enough to have interfered with your academic work and, where appropriate, your ability to make suitable decisions about how to best address the impact on your studies. It should also include the dates you saw your health care professional, the date of the onset of your illness, the date of recovery and the degree of incapacitation. It should also include whether you are medically fit to return to your studies and/or what limitations you may have regarding an appropriate academic load.

Where non-medical circumstances are being presented as grounds for your request, submit complete documentation that supports the circumstances presented in your request.

Visit the Petitions and Appeals page on the Registrar’s Office website for complete information, including deadlines for submitting your petition.

TIP: It may seem obvious, but make sure that your supporting documentation directly backs up your request. Be specific and provide appropriate details.

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