Teaching and research are at the heart of Carleton’s mission. In fact, everything we do at Carleton has its roots in teaching and research in one form or another. Whether members of the Carleton community are uncovering or creating knowledge in a library, lab, or classroom, leading a student club, or participating in an internship, exchange, or conference, they are expanding their knowledge and contributing to the goals of our research-intensive institution for the benefit of their own—and for others’—scholarly, scientific, professional, or personal objectives.

We do not aspire to be an ivory tower, disjointed and isolated from the complexities of our time. Instead, we aspire to continue to be a supportive, dynamic, curious, innovative institution that fosters a welcoming community focused on developing and sharing knowledge that will shape the future. Our broad academic mission travels beyond traditional disciplines and looks to community betterment as a lens through which to improve the societies in which we live and to foster graduates who think in imaginative and innovative ways.

Cornerstones of our Academic Culture

Carleton is a community that cares and in which our educational philosophy rests in support of each other. Our foundational supports are essential for our academic culture to thrive, including:

  • Ways to support and enhance student success for students of all educational and cultural backgrounds
  • Research facilitation activities and supports
  • Teaching and learning services to foster teaching excellence and innovation
  • Library resources and services (including digital resources)
  • Robust and supportive recruitment, admissions, and retention strategies
  • Student academic and career advising supports
  • Safety, wellness, and sustainability initiatives
  • The creation and maintenance of world-class infrastructure and spaces that support research collaborations and promote a sense of welcome, belonging, and mattering
  • Service excellence in administrative offices and processes

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