I plan to accept 1 or 2 new graduate (Masters or PhD) students and 2 honours thesis students to start in September 2025. New research projects in my lab planned for the next few years focus on attitudes toward non-sexual violence in online studies with samples from the general public; for example, evaluating and refining measures and experimental manipulations; exploring the relationship between attitudes, other important violence predictors/correlates, and violent/aggressive behaviour. If you are interested in this area of research and thesis supervision in my lab, please submit an application to the university by the due date. I will review those applications, then contact those who meet my initial selection criteria to gather additional information, and then make acceptance decisions. Due to the large number of applications, I usually only notify the students to whom I offer supervision—students to whom I do not offer supervision will be notified by the university. Below is an outline of some of the things I consider when selecting students:


  • GPA of 10.5 or higher
  • A or higher in statistics and research methods courses
  • Compatibility of student’s research interests with and aptitude for the research questions and methodology we focus on in my lab


  • GPA of A or higher
  • Honours thesis
  • Compatibility of student’s research interests with and aptitude for the research questions and methodology we focus on in my lab
    • A or higher in statistics and research methods courses
    • Conscientious, resourceful, motivated
    • Critical thinking
    • Research activity and potential for research productivity (e.g., past volunteer or paid work in a research lab)
  • Applied for eligible external scholarships to fund first year of grad school. This would mean the student applied to Carleton for SSHRC and OGS in the fall of 2024 and would receive the funding—if successful—starting in September 2025


  • GPA of A or higher
  • Master’s thesis
  • Past external scholarships (e.g., SSHRC, OGS)
  • Compatibility of student’s research interests with and aptitude for the research questions and methodology we focus on in my lab
    • A or higher in statistics and research methods courses
    • Conscientious, resourceful, motivated
    • Critical thinking
    • Research activity and potential for research productivity (e.g., publications, conference presentations)
  • Applied for eligible external scholarships to fund first year of grad school. This would mean the student applied to Carleton for SSHRC and OGS in the fall of 2024 and would receive the funding—if successful—starting in September 2025