Kathleen Van Benthem is a postdoctoral fellow at the ACE Lab, Carleton University (2015-2017).  Kathleen’s primary work is in developing research methods using virtual reality platforms to assess general aviation pilot cognitive health.  She uses immersive flight simulation environments to isolate key cognitive and system determinants of pilot performance in situation awareness, basic aircraft control, and prospective memory. In collaboration with the National Research Council, Kathleen also contributes to research on electroencephalographic (EEG) signatures of cognitive vigilance using a dense array EEG system. Kathleen is a member of the ACE Lab research team and contributes to the development of research protocols for many of the ACE Lab industry partner projects. She was a doctoral candidate, supervised by Dr. Chris Herdman, at the Institute of Cognitive Science at Carleton University from 2009 to 2015. Kathleen’s research was supported by the J. James Mackie endowment scholarship, a graduate award for studies in dementia, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Bombardier Doctoral Fellowship Award. Her present work is partially supported by AGE-WELL, a federally funded Networks of Centres of Excellence program. Dr. Van Benthem has been an Occupational Therapist, Education Consultant, and the Director of Policy and Standards for the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists. She also enjoys teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses with the Institute of Cognitive Science at Carleton University.