Daniel Feszty
Adjunct Research Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Building: | Canal Building, Room 3207 |
Department: | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
Dr. Feszty is a leading Canadian expert on helicopter aerodynamics, vibration and noise control, as well as on high-speed unsteady flows, who spends the 2015-16 academic year as a sabbatical year at car manufacturer Audi’s Hungary plant. He has published more than 50 scientific papers and has graduated close to 30 MSc and PhD thesis students in the above fields since 2003. He co-founded and served as first Director of one of the largest academic aerospace Research Centers in Canada – Carleton Aerospace, – which involves more than 30 professors conducting research in aerospace engineering at Carleton University. He also co-founded Canada’s oldest and largest Rotorcraft Research Groups, as well as Canada’s first Student Chapter of the American Helicopter Society (AHS), which he serves as Faculty Advisor since 2012. He has mentored several award winning students, including the first ever Canadian winner of an AHS Scholarship as well as a winner of the AHS Montreal-Ottawa Chapter’s (which is the largest non-U.S. based AHS Chapter with more than 400 members) Lichten competition, an award for that year’s best scientific paper from a new author. In academic year 2015-16, Dr. Feszty spends his sabbatical year at car manufacturer Audi’s Hungary plant, – Audi Hungaria, in Győr, Hungary – which, beside manufacturing several car models is also the world’s largest engine manufacturing plant. Dr. Feszty focusses his research here on the potential parellels between the aerospace and automotive sectors in the fields of fluid dynamics as well as vibration and noise control research.
2015 – 2016: Expert, Whole Vehicle Development, Audi Hungaria, Győr, Hungary (on sabbatical year from Carleton University)
2003 – present: Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada
2012 – 15: Director, Aerospace Research Unit, Carleton University, one of the largest academic aerospace research centers in Canada, with more than 30 professors as members
2003 – present: co-founder and co-leader of the Rotorcraft Research Group at Carleton University, Canada’s largest research group on helicopter technologies, which has graduated more than 30 MASc and PhD thesis students and published about 50 papers since its foundation
2012 – present: co-founder and Faculty Advisor, Student Chapter of the American Helicopter Society (AHS), Carleton University (Canada’s first AHS Student Chapter with more than 20 student members in any year)
2010 – 15: President and co-founder, Smart Rotor Systems Ltd., a spin-off company focussing on commercializing a novel active vibration and noise control technology for helicopters
2001 – 03: Research Associate, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Glasgow, Scotland, U.K.
1997: Trained as Mi-17 Helicopter Technician during compulsory military service
1996-97: Aircraft Design Engineer, Evektor Ltd., Kunovice, Czech Republic
PhD. (Aerospace Engineering), University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, U.K., 1997 – 2001
Ing. (Aerospace Engineering), Technical University of Brno, Brno, Czech Republic, 1991 – 1996
Research interest:
– aerodynamics
– Computational Fluid Dynamics
– noise and vibration control
– helicopter and wind turbine rotor design
Invited Lectures:
Feszty, D., “Selected topics in helicopter vibration and noise control and their potential use in automotive applications”, Audi Hungaria AG/Széchenyi University, Győr, Hungary, Department of Whole Vehicle Engineering, 26 May 2014.
Feszty, D., “Active Control Systems for Vibration & Noise Control on Helicopters”, 9th Annual HELICON conference on military helicopters, Baltimore, MD, 12 – 14 Dec 2011.
Feszty, D., “Experimental Demonstrations of the Active Pitch Link for Vibration Reduction on Helicopters”, 7th Annual HELICON conference on military helicopters, Huntsville, AL, 17-19 Nov, 2009.
Feszty, D., Etele, J., “Hypersonic Research Interests at Carleton University”, Canadian Hypersonics Research for Defense Workshop, DRDC (Defense Research Development Canada), Valcartier, QC, 7-8 Dec 2004.
Member of Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) & a Licensed Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario, Canada (P.Eng.)
Member of the American Helicopter Society (since 2004)
Member of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (since 1999)
Papers in refereed journals:
[1] Feszty, D., McTavish, S., Bodnya*, I., Jee, D*., “Synthetic Shroud Concept for Wind Turbine Performance Optimization”, submitted to the AIAA Journal, January 2016.
[2] Gosselin, D., Feszty, D., “Numerical investigation of the effect of advancing blade shock induced flow separation on dynamic stall”, submitted to the AHS Journal, November 2015.
[3] McTavish*, S., Rodrigue*, S., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F. “An Investigation of In-Field Blockage Effects in Closely-Spaced Lateral Wind Farms Configurations”, Wind Engineering, published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/we.1806, Sep 2014.
[4] McTavish*, S., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., “A study of the performance benefits of closely-spaced lateral wind farm configurations,” Renewable Energy, Vol. 59, pp. 128–135, November 2013.
[5] McTavish*, S., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., “Evaluating Reynolds Number Effects in Small-Scale Wind Turbine Experiments”, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 120, pp. 81-90, September 2013.
[6] McTavish*, S., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., “An Experimental and Computational Assessment of Blockage Effects on Wind Turbine Wake Development, Wind Energy, Published online 19 July 2013 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/we.1648, published in print in Vol. 17., pp. 1515-1529, Sep 2014.
[7] Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., “Review of Active Rotor Control Research in Canada”, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 93-114, June 2011.
[8] McTavish*, S., Feszty, D., Sankar, T., “Steady and rotating computational fluid dynamics simulations of a novel vertical axis wind turbine for small-scale power generation”, Renewable Energy, Vol. 41, pg. 171-179, May 2011.
[9] Balajewicz*, M., Nitzsche, F., Feszty, D., “Application of multi-input Volterra theory to nonlinear multi-degree-of-freedom aerodynamic systems”, AIAA Journal, v. 48, no. 1, pp. 56-62, January 2010
[10] Oxley*, G., Nitzsche, F., Feszty. D., “Smart spring control of vibration on helicopter blades”, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 46, pp. 692-696, March – April 2009.
[11] McTavish*, S., Beaubien*, R., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., “Improved transonic flutter analysis in the frequency domain using CFD” CASI (Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute) Journal, Vol. 54., no. 3-4, pp. 41-63, September/December 2008.
[12] Feszty, D., Gillies, E.A., Vezza, M., “Alleviation of rotor blade dynamic stall via trailing edge flap flow control”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 17-25, January 2004.
[13] Feszty, D., Badcock, K.J., and Richards, B.E., “Driving mechanisms of high-speed unsteady spiked body flows. Part I – Pulsation Mode”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 95-107, January 2004.
[14] Feszty, D., Badcock, K.J., and Richards, B.E., “Driving mechanisms of high-speed unsteady spiked body flows. Part II – Oscillation Mode” AIAA Journal, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 107-113, January 2004.
[15] Feszty, D., Badcock, K.J., and Richards, B.E., “Utilising CFD in the investigation of high-speed unsteady spiked body flows”, Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 106, No. 1058, pp. 161-174, April 2002.
[16] Feszty, D., Richards, B.E., Badcock, K.J., and Woodgate, M.A., “Numerical Simulation of a pulsating flow arising over an axisymmetric spiked blunt body at Mach 2.21 and Mach 6.00”, Shock Waves Journal, Vol.10, Issue 5, pp 323-331, 2000.
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings:
[17] Feszty, D., McTavish, S., Bodnya, I., Jee, D., ““Synthetic shroud” concept for wind turbine performance optimization”, submitted to the 2016 AIAA Propulsion and Energy conference to be held in Salt Lake City, UT on 25-27 July 2016. Submitted January 2016.
[18] Boots, D., Feszty, D., “Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Wing Position on the Aeroacoustic Field of a Propeller”, submitted to the 2016 AIAA Propulsion and Energy conference to be held in Salt Lake City, UT on 25-27 July 2016. Submitted January 2016.
[19] Gosselin, D., Feszty, D., “Numerical investigation of the effect of advancing blade shock induced flow separation on dynamic stall”, accepted for presentation at the 72th AHS Forum, 16-19 May 2016, West Palm Beach, FL, United States, 2016.
[20] Herniczek, M. K., Jee, D., Sanders, B., Feszty, D., “Rotor Blade Design Optimization and Flight Testing of a Small UAV Rotorcraft”, accepted for presentation at the 72th AHS Forum, 16-19 May 2016, West Palm Beach, FL, United States, 2016
[21] Arras, M., Coppotelli, G., Nitzsche, F., Feszty, D., “Identification of the Smart Spring properties from FRFs measurements”, 56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA SciTech, (AIAA 2015-2061)
[22] McTavish*, S., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F. “An Investigation of Field Blockage Effects in Closely-Spaced Lateral Wind Farm Configurations.” presented at the Americas Conference on Wind Engineering ACWE 2013. Paper 53. June 16-19, Seattle, United States of America, 2013.
[23] McTavish*, S., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F. “The Development of a Scaled Wind Farm Laboratory for Undergraduate Education. ” presented at the Americas Conference on Wind Engineering ACWE 2013. Paper 123. June 16-19, Seattle, United States of America, 2013.
[24] McTavish*, S., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F. “Quantifying Wake Effects in Laterally-Configured Scaled Wind Farms” Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute AERO 2013. Paper 127. April 30 – May 2, Toronto, Canada, 2013.
[25] Nitzsche, F., Feszty, D., Grappassoni*, C., Coppotelli, G., “Whirl-tower Open-loop Experiments and Simulations with an Adaptive Pitch Link Device for Helicopter Rotor Vibration Control” 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Boston, MA, April 2013.
[26] McTavish*, S., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., “An Experimental Assessment of Blockage and Reynolds Number Effects on Wind Turbine Wake Development”, ASME Turbo Expo 2012 Wind Energy Symposium. Paper GT2012-69335. June 11-15, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012.
[27] Nitzsche, F., Feszty, D., Vamosi*, S., Pickard*, A., Khomutov*, K., Ulker*, F.D., Richardson*, M., “Developments on the Hybrid Stiffness – Flow Control Active System for Rotor Vibration Attenuation Project – SHARCS”, 38th European Rotorcraft Forum, Paper 010, 4-7 September 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013.
[28] Richardson*, M., Feszty, D., Pickard*, J.A., Nitzsche, F., Khomutov*, K.V., Vamosi*, S.B., Young*, R.D., “Towards closed-loop control tests of the SHARCS active pitch link in the rotating frame”, Proceedings of the 67th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society (AHS International), Virginia Beach, VI, vol. 2, pp. 1215-1226, May 2011.
[29] McTavish*, S., Feszty, D., Sankar, T., “Design and Development of a Novel Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Using Computational Fluid Dynamics”, European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC 2010), Apr 20-23, Warsaw, Poland, 2010.
[30] Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., Mander*, A., Coppotelli, G., Vetrano*, F., Riemenschneider, J, Wierach, P., “Whirl Tower Demonstrations of the SHARCS Hybrid Control Concept”, paper presented at the 65th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, Grapevine, TX, 27-29 May 2009.
[31] Balajewicz*, M., Nitzsche, F., Feszty, D., “Reduced Order Modeling of Nonlinear Transonic Aerodynamics Using a Pruned Volterra Series”, AIAA Paper 2009-2319, 50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, May 4-7, 2009.
[32] Coppotelli, G., Vetrano*, F., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., Mander*, A., Riemenschneider, J, Wierach, P. “Identification of the dynamic properties of active twist rotor model blade using output-only data”, International Operational Modal Analysis Conference (IOMAC 2009), Portonovo (Ancona) Italy, 4-6 May 2009.
[33] McTavish*, S., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., ”Aeroelastic Simulations of the NREL Wind Turbine Using a Discrete Vortex Method”, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute AERO 2009 Conference, May 5-7, Ottawa, Canada, 2009.
[34] McTavish*, S., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F. Aeroelastic Simulations of the NREL Wind Turbine Using a Discrete Vortex Method Coupled with a Nonlinear Beam Model. European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC 2009), Mar 16-19, Marseille, France, 2009.
[35] Ülker, F.D*., Mander*, A., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., “SHARCS: Hybrid Control Concept of Vibration Reduction of Helicopters”, Paper 9A1, 34th European Rotorcraft Forum, Liverpool, U.K., 16-18 Sep 2008.
[36] Mander*, A., Feszty, D. Nitzsche, F., “Active Pitch Link Actuator for Impedance Control of Helicopter Vibration”, Paper no. 080170, 64th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, Montreal, QC, Canada, 29 Apr -1 May 2008.
[37] Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., Khomutov*, K., Lynch*, B., Mander*, A., Ülker*, F.D., “Design and instrumentation of the SHARCS scaled rotor with three independent control systems”, Paper no. 080166, 64th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, Montreal, QC, Canada, 29 Apr -1 May 2008.
[38] Balajewicz*, M., Nitzsche, F., Feszty, D. “On the Application of Multi-Input Volterra Theory to Nonlinear Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Aerodynamic Systems”, paper AIAA 2008-2324, 49th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials SDM Conference, Shaumberg, IL, U.S.A., 7 – 10 Apr 2008.
[39] McTavish*, S., Beaubien*, R., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., “Improved transonic flutter analysis in the frequency domain using CFD” Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) AERO 2007 Conference, Toronto, Canada, 24-26 Apr 2007.
[40] Lynch*, B., Nitzsche, F., Feszty, D., Cha*, M., Gransden*, D., Khomutov*, K., Mander*, A., Oxley*, G., Ülker*, F.D., “Development of a Smart Rotorcraft Blade for noise and vibration attenuation”, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) AERO 2007 Conference, Toronto, Canada, 24-26 Apr 2007.
[41] Ghorashi*, M., Mikjaniec*, T., Lynch*, B., Ülker*, F.D., Cha*, M. Mander*, A., Brassard*, D.P., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., “Preliminary Design of a Scaled Rotor Blade with Vibration and Noise Control Devices”, Paper AR08, 32nd European Rotorcraft Forum, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 12-14 Sep 2006.
[42] Nitzsche, F., Feszty, D., Waechter, D., Bianchi, E., Voutsinas, S., Gennaretti, M., Coppotelli, G., Ghiringhelli, G.L., “The SHARCS project: Smart Hybrid Active Rotor Control for noise and vibration attenuation of helicopter rotor blades”, 31st European Rotorcraft Forum – Florence, Italy, vol. 2005, pp 52-1 – 52-15, 2005.
[43] Davis*, G.L., Feszty, D., Nitzsche, F., “Trailing edge flow control for the mitigation of dynamic stall effects”, 31st European Rotorcraft Forum – Florence, Italy, vol. 2, pp 53-1 – 53-11, 2005.
[44] Beaubien*, R.J., Nitzsche, F., Feszty, D., “Time and frequency domain solutions for the AGARD 445 wing”, Paper IF-102, IFASD 2005 (International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics), Munich, Germany, 28 Jun – 01 Jul 2005.
[45] Nitzsche, F., Feszty, D., “SHARCS: an international project for noise and vibration attenuation on helicopter rotor blades”, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) 2005 Conference, Toronto, Canada, 26-27 Apr 2005.
[46] Feszty, D., Gillies, E.A, Vezza, M., “Alleviation of rotor blade dynamic stall via trailing edge flap flow control“, paper AIAA 2003-050, presented at the 41st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, USA, January 2003.
[47] Feszty, D., Badcock, K.J. and Richards, B.E., “Utilising CFD in the investigation of high speed unsteady spiked body flows”, paper presented at the Royal Aeronautical Society Aerodynamics Conference, London, UK, April 2001.
[48] Feszty, D., Badcock, K.J. and Richards, B.E., “Numerical simulation of the hysteresis phenomena in high-speed spiked body flows”, paper AIAA 2000-0141 presented at the 38th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, USA, January 2000.
[49] Feszty, D., Richards, B.E. and Badcock, K.J., “Numerically Simulated Unsteady Flows over Spiked Blunt Bodies at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds”, in “Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Shock Waves”, Editors: Ball, G.J., Hillier, R., Roberts, G.T. Imperial College, London, UK, pp 1653-1658, 1999.
Non-Refereed Conference Publications:
[50] Kun, J. Jakubík, T., Feszty, D., Schuster, M., “Aerodynamic Optimization of a Formula SAE racecar using VECTIS”, accepted for presentation at the 2016 Ricardo Software User Conference Europe, to be held on 4-6 April 2016 in Ludwigsburg, Germany.
[51] Dick, R., Feszty, D., “Aerodynamic Studies of Observatory Domes”, Astronomy Roundup 2007 – Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, 29 Jun – 1 Jul 2007.