Up-to-date Publication Listing on Google Scholar: Citation and publication listing

OpEd Pieces

LinkedIn Articles

Selected Journal Publications (current or former HQP in bold)

  1. Shabani P, Li L, Laliberte J. Low-Velocity Impact (LVI) and Compression After Impact (CAI) of Double-Double Composite Laminates. Composite Structures, 2025.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118615
  2. Shabani P, Li L, Laliberte J, Qi G. Enhanced LaRC05 failure criteria for investigating low-velocity impact on fiber-reinforced composites: An experimental and computational study. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2024.109554
  3. Chang J, Krings TdJ, Ooi B, Borshchova I, Laliberte J. Quantitative Assessment of Urban Air Collision Risks. Journal of Air Transportation. 2024. https://doi.org/10.2514/1.D0420
  4. Tepylo N, Laliberte J.  Willingness to Fly on Urban Air Mobiltiy Aircraft in Canada.  Journal of Air Transportation, 2024.  https://doi.org/10.2514/1.D0427
  5. Mahmoodi A, Hashemi L, Laliberté J, Millar R, Meyer R. Revolutionizing RPAS logistics and reducing CO2 emissions with advanced RPAS technology for delivery systems. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clscn.2024.100166
  6. Shabani P, Li L, Laliberte J, Qi G. Compression after impact (CAI) failure mechanisms and damage evolution in large composite laminates: High-fidelity simulation and experimental study. Composite Structures, 2024.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118143
  7. Mahmoodi A, Hashemi L, Millar R, Laliberté J, Meyer R, Designing an Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Control Model for an Air-to-Ground Collaborative System. SAE International Journal of Aerospace, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/01-17-02-0014
  8. Krings TdJ, Laliberté J, Borshchova I, Ellis K. Development of methods for statistical modeling of air traffic demonstrated through a Winnipeg-area case study. Drone Systems and Applications. 2023 (Winner – Best Student Paper AEAC 2023). https://doi.org/10.1139/dsa-2023-0015
  9. Palmer M, Laliberté J.  Effects of Non-Planar Slicing Techniques and Carbon Fibre Material Additives on Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed Drone Propellers, Drone Systems and Applications, 2023 (Winner – Best Student Presentation AEAC 2023).  https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1139/dsa-2023-0007
  10. Tepylo N, Debelle L, Laliberté J. Public perception of remotely piloted aircraft systems in Canada. Technology in Society 73, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2023.102242
  11. Tepylo N, Straubinger A, Laliberté J.  Public perception of advanced aviation technologies: A review and roadmap to acceptance, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paerosci.2023.100899
  12. Shabani P, Li L, Laliberte J, Qi G, Rapking D, Mollenhauer D. High-fidelity simulation of low-velocity impact damage in fiber-reinforced composite laminates using integrated discrete and continuum damage models. Composite Structures. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.116910
  13. Hashemi L, Mahmoodi A, Meyer RW, Millar RC, Laliberte J. Integrating Unmanned and Manned UAVs data network based on combined Bayesian Belief network and Multi-objective reinforcement learning algorithm. Drone Systems and Applications. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1139/dsa-2022-0043
  14. Cunningham M, Tuck L, Samson C, Laliberté J, Goldie M, Wood A, Birkett D. Aeromagnetic attitude compensation for uninhabited aircraft systems without high-altitude calibration patterns using hybrid recurrent neural networks. The Leading Edge. 2023.  https://doi.org/10.1190/tle42020112.1
  15. Chang J, Laliberté J. Trajectory Optimization for Dynamic Soaring Remotely Piloted Aircraft with Under-Wing Solar Panels. Journal of Aircraft. 2022.   https://doi.org/10.2514/1.C037105
  16. El Fazani H, Coil J, Chamberland O, Laliberte J. Determination of experimental uncertainties in tensile properties of additively manufactured polymers using the GUM method. Measurement. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2022.111726
  17. Mahmoodi A, Hashemi L, Laliberté J, Millar RC. Secured Multi-Dimensional Robust Optimization Model for Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) Delivery Network Based on the SORA Standard. Designs, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/designs6030055
  18. Cunningham M, Samson C, Laliberté J, Goldie M, Wood A, Birkett D. Comparison Between Ground, Helicopter, and Unmanned Aircraft System Magnetic Datasets: A Case Study from the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-022-03025-9
  19. Kim J, Lopez-Cruz P, Heidari-Rarani M, Lessard L, Laliberte J. An experimental study on the mechanical behaviour of bonded and hybrid bonded-bolted composite joints using digital image correlation (DIC) technique. Composite Structures, 276, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.114544
  20. Molavitabrizi D, Laliberte J. Methodology for multiscale design and optimization of lattice core sandwich structures for lightweight hopper railcars. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 234(21), 4224-4238, 2020.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0954406220920694
  21. Bernard CL, Erazo F, Laliberte J, Huang X. An investigation of the failure mechanisms of a polymer matrix composite crew oar, Failure Analysis and Prevention, 19(3), 2019.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11668-019-00651-9
  22. Rafiee M, Robitaille F, Nitzsche F, Laliberte J, Labrosse MR, Hind S. Thermal properties of doubly reinforced fiberglass/epoxy composites with graphene nanoplatelets, graphene oxide and reduced-graphene oxide, Composites Part B, 164, 2019.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2018.11.051
  23. Dinovitzer M, Chen X, Laliberte J, Huang X, Frei H. Effect of Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Process Parameters on Bead Geometry and Microstructure, Additive Manufacturing, 26, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2018.12.013
  24. Tuck L, Samson C, Polowick C, Laliberté J. Real-time compensation of magnetic data acquired by a single-rotor unmanned aircraft system, Journal of Geophysical Prospecting, 2019.  https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2478.12800
  25. Rafiee M, Nitzsche F, Laliberte J, Thibault J, Labrosse MR. Simultaneous reinforcement of matrix and fibers for enhancement of mechanical properties of graphene-modified laminated composites. Polymer Composites, 40(52). 2018.  https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.25137
  26. Tuck L, Samson C, Laliberté J, Wells M, Bélanger F. Magnetic interference testing for an electric fixed-wing unmanned aircraft system (UAS). Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, 6(3). 2018.  https://doi.org/10.1139/juvs-2018-0006
  27. Federman A, Santana Quintero M, Kretz S, Gregg J, Lengies M, Ouimet C, Laliberte J. UAV Photogrammetric Workflows: A Best Practice Guidelines. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences. 42, 2017.
  28. Lopez-Cruz P, Laliberté J. and Lessard L. Investigation of bolted/bonded composite joint behaviour using design of experiments. Composite Structures, 170, pp.192-201, 2017.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.02.084
  29. Van Blitterswyk J, Backman D, Laliberté J, and Cole R. Application of Digital Image Correlation to the Thick Adherend Shear Test. Joining Technologies for Composites and Dissimilar Materials, 10, pp. 81-90, 2017.  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-42426-2_9
  30. ElAgamy N, Laliberté J, Gaidies F. Quantitative analysis of fatigue cracks in laminated carbon fibre-reinforced polymer composites using micro-computed tomography. Journal of Composite Materials, 50(18), pp. 2523-2540, 2016.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0021998315608252
  31. Rutkay B, Laliberté J. Design and manufacture of propellers for small unmanned aerial vehicles. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, 4(4), pp.228-245, 2016.  https://doi.org/10.1139/juvs-2014-0019
  32. Pant S, Laliberte J, Martinez M, Rocha B. In-Situ Characterization of Isotropic and Transversely Isotropic Elastic Properties Using Ultrasonic Wave Velocities. Materials Performance and Characterization 5(1), 2016.  https://doi.org/10.1520/MPC20150021
  33. Pant, S, Laliberte, J, Martinez, M, Rocha, B, Ancrum, D. “Effects of composite lamina properties on fundamental Lamb Wave mode dispersion characteristics”, Composite Structures, v. 124, 236-252, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.01.017
  34. ElAgamy, N, Laliberté, J. “Historical development of geometrical modelling of textiles reinforcements for polymer composites: A review”, Industrial Textiles, 2014. DOI: 10.1177/1528083714555781
  35. Chaisson, M and Laliberté, J. “In situ measurement of vacuum consolidation of commingled thermoplastic composites using a non-contact displacement sensor”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, v. 23, 2046-2063, 2014. DOI: 10.1177/0731684414553282
  36. Pant, S, Laliberté, J, Martinez, M and Rocha, B. “Full derivation of Lamb wave equations for an n-layered anisotropic composite laminate”, Journal of Composite Structures, 566-579. 2014. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2014.01.034.
  37. Couture, A, Laliberté, J and Li, C. “Mode I Fracture Toughness of Aerospace Polymer Composites Exposed to Fresh and Salt Water” Chemical and Materials Engineering, v. 1, n. 1, 2013. (http://www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_info.php?id=55)
  38. Laliberté, J, Kraemer, K, Dawson, J and Miyata, D. “Design and Manufacturing of Biologically Inspired MAV Wings Using Rapid Prototyping”, International Journal of Micro Aerial Vehicles, v. 5, n. 1, 2013. (http://www.multi-science.co.uk/ijmav.htm)
  39. Wu, X, Zhang, Z and Laliberté, J. “A Higher-Order Theory for Crack Growth in Fiber-Metal Laminates Under Generalized Plane-Stress Conditions,” Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, v. 1, n. 3, 431-445, 2006.
  40. Laliberté, J, Straznicky, PV and Poon, C. “Impact Damage in Fiber Metal Laminates”, AIAA Journal, v. 43, n. 11, 2445-2462, 2005.
  41. Laliberté, J, Poon, C, Straznicky, PV and Fahr, A. “Post-Impact Fatigue in Fiber-Metal Laminates”, International Journal of Fatigue, v. 24, 249-256, 2002.
  42. Laliberté, J, Poon, C, Straznicky, PV and Fahr, A. “Applications of Fibre-Metal Laminates in Airframe Structures”, Polymer Composites, v. 21, n. 4, 558-567, 2000.
  43. Fahr, A, Chapman, CE, Forsyth, DS, Poon, C and Laliberté, J. “Nondestructive Evaluation Methods for Damage Assessment in Fiber‐Metal Laminates”, Polymer Composites, v. 21, n. 4, 568-575, 2000.
  44. Katchmar, R, Goulet, E and Laliberté, J. “Influencing Solder Joint Reliability in Area Array Packages”, International Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging, v. 20, n. 4, 545-555, 1997.

Selected Conference Papers (current or former HQP in bold)

  1. Li S, Chang J, Chavda N, Borshchova I, Laliberte J, Rodrigues L. Unmanned Aircraft Path Planning Using Air Traffic Density. IEEE 18th International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA), Reykjavík, Iceland, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCA62789.2024.10591824
  2. Tepylo N, Krings TdJ, Chamberland O, Laliberte J. Predictive Modeling of Willingness to Fly on Urban Air Mobility Aircraft, AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend, Las Vegas, USA, 2024. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2024-3643
  3. Tepylo N, Laliberte J.  A Canadian Survey on Transportation Mode Choice and Automation, 59th Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Kelowna, BC, 2024.
  4. Krings TdJ, Chang J, Borshchova I, Laliberte J. Building a Model for Safe Integration of RPAS into Low-Level Canadian Airspace, 59th Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Kelowna, BC, 2024.
  5. Richard C, Tepylo N, Sherwood A, Laliberte J.  Life Cycle Analysis of Battery Modules to be Integrated into Hybrid/Electric Aircraft.  AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, Orlando USA, 2024.  https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2024-0279
  6. Sherwood A, Laliberte J. Development of an Electric Propulsion System Sizing Framework Considering Battery Degradation.  AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, Orlando, USA, 2024.  https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2024-1539
  7. Basawanal A, Borshchova I, Laliberte J. Low Cost Drone Platform to Measure Urban Windflows, CASI AERO 2023, Ottawa, Canada.
  8. Urquhart A, Laliberte J, Kenny S.  Arctic Surveying with UAVs – Limitations and Lessons Learned, CASI AERO 2023, Ottawa, Canada.
  9. Wheeler P, Wowk D, Laliberte J. Characterizing Damage Edge Distance Effects on Metallic Honeycomb Sandwich Panels, CASI AERO 2023, Ottawa, Canada.
  10. Davis J, Tepylo N, Laliberte J. A Comparison of Recruitment Methods for Drone Public Perception Surveys, AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, 2023. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2023-3403
  11. Shabani P, Li L, Laliberte J, Qi G. Low-velocity impact damage simulation using cohesive zone model and LaRC05 criterion with efficient search algorithm, 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM), Belfast, Ireland, 2023.  https://www.iccm-central.org/Proceedings/ICCM23proceedings/papers/ICCM23_Full_Paper_93.pdf 
  12. Li L, Shabani P, Laliberte J, Qi G. Virtual Testing of Low-Velocity Impact Response of a Composite Laminate – from Analytical to High-Fidelity Modelling, (Winner – Best Poster) 31st Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, Delft, The Netherlands, 2023.  https://www.icaf.aero/icaf2023/proceedings/display_manuscript/126.htm
  13. Patrick M, Laliberte J, Wang X. Investigation of the tensile/compressive residual stresses in AISI 4340 steel under low-cycle fatigue loading, 31st Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, Delft, The Netherlands, 2023.  https://www.icaf.aero/icaf2023/proceedings/display_manuscript/57.htm
  14. Tepylo N, Debelle L, Laliberte J, Chan W, Richard E. “Introducing Advanced Aviation Technologies to the General Public”, Delft International Conference on Urban Air Mobility, 2022,
  15. Meyran P, Pain H, Botez RM, Laliberte J. “Structural Design and Control of a Morphing Winglet to optimize the Aerodynamic Performance of the CRJ-700 Aircraft”. AIAA SciTech Forum and Exhibition, 2022.
  16. El Fazani H, Shah R, Coil J, Laliberte J. The Effect of Stress Intensity Factor on Fatigue Life of Additive Manufactured Parts Made from Polymer. International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, 2021.
  17. Shabani P, Li C, Laliberte J, Gang Q. “A benchmarking survey on finite element modeling strategies for adhesively-bonded composites using the cohesive zone modeling technique” International Conference on Fatigue of Composites, 2021.
  18. El Fazani H, Coil J, Laliberte J. Durability and Damage Tolerance of Additive Manufacturing Polymer Parts for Aerospace Application. 36th Conference & 30th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity (ICAF), Krakow, Poland 2019.
  19. Ooi B, Soulsby L, Laliberte J. Computer-Vision Based Pose Estimation of Neighboring Aircraft in an Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Swarm. CASI AERO 2019, Montreal, Canada
  20. Ooi B, Shafi S, Bassindale C, Laliberte J, Merrett C, Martinez M. Development of a Cross-Border Bridge Inspection Utilizing a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System at the Ogdensburg-Prescott International Bridge. Unmanned Systems Canada – 2019, Ottawa, Canada, 2019.
  21. Jodoin T, Laliberte J, Laplante G. Evaluation of hygrothermal effects on residual strength of CFRP composites after impact. Canadian Materials Science Conference. Ottawa, 2017.
  22. Carette J, Kincaid L, Laliberté J, Faragalli M. Mechanical Properties of Chemically Degraded Aerospace Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites. 10th Canadian-International Composites Conference (CANCOM), Ottawa, Canada. 2017.
  23. Pillon-Davidson N, Laliberte J. A General Energy Based Approach to Preliminary Aircraft Sizing. Unmanned Systems Canada Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada. 2017.
  24. Shafi S, Laliberte J. Terrain Avoidance for Geophysical Survey Missions with Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles. Unmanned Systems Canada Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada. 2017.
  25. Shafi S, Laliberte J. Terrain Following for Geophysical Survey Missions with Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles. Unmanned Systems Canada Annual Conference, Edmonton, Canada. 2016
  26. Bishop S, Laliberte J. A Manufacturing Method to Incorporate Piezoelectric Sensors in Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite Structures for a Holistic Approach to Structural Health Monitoring. 27th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, Lake George, United States, 2016.
  27. Shafi S, Laliberte J, Samson C. (2016). Terrain-Following and Draping for Geophysical Survey Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles. 50th Joint CMOS Congress and CGU Annual Meeting, Fredericton, Canada.
  28. Samson C, Laliberte J. (2016). Student-Led Project for Development of a Small Multi-mission UAV for Geophysical Surveying Applications. 50th Joint CMOS Congress and CGU Annual Meeting, Fredericton, Canada.
  29. ElAgamy, N, Martin, C, Sachdeva, T, Laliberte, J. “Proposed procedure to simulate 3D multi-mode fatigue behaviour in laminated CFRP using Micro-CT scans in ABAQUS”, The Composites and Advanced Materials EXPO (CAMX), Orlando FL, October 2014.
  30. ElAgamy, N, Laliberte, J, Gaidies, F, Goldak, J. “Qualitative Characterization of Fatigue Damage Propagation in Laminated Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers by Using Micro-Computed Tomography”. SAMPE Technical Conference, Seattle WA, June 2-5, 2014.
  31. Halgrimmson, B, Dewar, A, Laliberté, J. “3D Printing From Art to Science: Designing for a Transformative Technology” Industrial Design Society of America International Conference and Education Symposium, Austin TX, August 2014. [full paper]
  32. Polowick, C, Straznicky, PV, Laliberté, J. “A Study of the Quality of Complex Parts made using the Mouldless VARTM Method”, 19th International Conference on Composite Materials, Montreal, July 2013.
  33. Pant, S, Laliberté, J, and Martinez, M. “Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Composite Aerospace Structures using Lamb Waves”, 19th International Conference on Composite Materials, Montreal, July 2013.
  34. Laliberté, J, Schramm, C and Steele, AL. “A Preliminary Study of the Design Approaches to Project Work Undertaken by Undergraduate Engineering Students”, Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference, Montreal, June 2013.
  35. Rutkay, B and Laliberté, J. “A Process for the Design and Manufacture of Propellers for Small Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles”, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) AERO 2013 Conference, Toronto, April 2013.
  36. Pant, S, Arab, M, Laliberté, J and Martinez, M. “Development of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) System for Aerospace Structures”, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) AERO 2013 Conference, Toronto, April 2013.
  37.  Li, C, Teng, T, Couture, A, Hamilton, J, Benak, T, Li, G and Laliberté, J.  “Environmental Degradation of Composite Aircraft Structures”, HOLSIP 2012 Workshop, January 2012.
  38. Tasson, M, Deeb, A. and Laliberté, J. “Autonomous Navigation and Control of a Micro Air Vehicle in GPS-denied Environments”, winner student paper competition, USC 2012 Conference, Ottawa, November 2012.
  39. Mahmud, K, Laliberté, J, and Benyamin-Seeyar, A. “‘Saviour’ Unmanned Aerial and Ground Vehicle System for Surveillance, Detection and Detonation of Improvised Explosive Devices”, finalist student paper competition, USC 2011 Conference, Quebec City, November 2011.
  40. Kraemer, K, Sluis, F, Laliberté, F and Miyata, D. “Evolving the Design and Manufacture of Flapping Wings Through Rapid Prototyping” CASI AERO’11, Montreal, QC, April 2011
  41. Chiasson, M and Laliberté, J. “Low Cost Processing of Commingled Thermoplastic Composites”, CASI AERO’11, Montreal, QC, April 2011.
  42. Couture, A, Li, C and Laliberté, J “Assessment of Environmental Degradation of Bond in Composite Sandwich Structure using Single Cantilever Beam Test”, CASI AERO’11, Montreal, QC, April 2011.
  43. Steele, A and Laliberté, J “GeoSurv II Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A major undergraduate project with multidisciplinary teams”, Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference, St. John’s, NL, May 2011.
  44. Kraemer, KMiyata, D and Laliberté, J, “Building Better Wings: Advancing the Design and Fabrication of Flapping Wing MAVs” Unmanned Systems Canada Conference, Montreal, QC, November 2010.
  45. Laliberté, J, Jablonski, AM, Djokic, D and Cole, R. “An Introduction to the use of the Lightweight Materials for Micro- and Small-Satellites”, 15th CASI Astronautics ASTRO Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 2010.
  46. Samson, C, Straznicky, PV, Laliberté, J, Caron, R, Ferguson, S. Archer, R. “Designing and Building an Unmanned Aircraft System for Aeromagnetic Surveying”, Society of Economic Geologists 2010, Keystone, Colorado, October 2010.
  47. Pant, S, Mahendran, M, Straznicky, PV and Laliberté, J. “Characterization and Comparison of Double-Bagging Effects on 1-D Permeability for Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Moulding (VARTM) Process”, SAMPE 2010 International Conference and Exhibition, Seattle, May 2010.
  48. Djokic, D, Laliberté, J, Cole, R, Jablonski, A. “Review of Composite Materials for Micro- and Nano-Satellites Applications”, SAMPE 2010 International Conference and Exhibition, Seattle, May 2010.
  49. Mahendran, MShashank, P, Straznicky, PV and Laliberté, J. “Feasibility Study on Closed Cavity Bag Moulding (CCBM) for Novel Mouldless Manufacturing of Carbon Epoxy Composites” Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute AERO 2009 Conference, Ottawa, May 2009.
  50. Maley, J, Kratz, J, Laliberté, J, and Straznicky, PV.  “Low Cost Manufacturing of Carbon Fibre: A Comparison of Manufacturing Methods”, 6th Canadian-International Composites Conference (CANCOM 2007), Winnipeg, MB, August 2007.
  51. Schnackenburg, K, Martinez, M, Laliberté, J and Dawson, J.  “Towards Better Artificial Insect Wings for Flow Visualization and Micro-Air Vehicles” 2007 International Conference on Adaptive Structures Technology (ICAST), Ottawa, ON, October 2007.
  52. Laliberté, J, Mahendran, M, Djokic, D, Li, C, and Kratz, J.  “Effect of Process-Induced Residual Stresses on Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth in Fibre Metal Laminates”, International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue (ICAF) Symposium 2007, Napoli, Italy, May 2007.
  53. Djokic, D, Laliberté, J, Rogers, J, Fisher, K and Nunn, K.  “Adhesive Bonding of Primary Composite Aircraft Structure Using Localized Convective Heating”, SAMPE 2005 Fall Technical Conference, Seattle, USA, October 2005.
  54. Jodoin, A, Laliberté, J, Backman, D, Mendis, Y., and Straznicky, P.V.  “Experimental Analysis of Diagonal Tension in Cylindrical GLARE Structures”, CANCOM 2005, Vancouver, BC, August 2005.
  55. Laliberté, J, Poon, C, Straznicky, PV, Kok, L, and Rans, C.  “Overview of Fibre Metal Laminate Fatigue Testing”, International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, June, 2005.
  56. Poon, C, Laliberté, J, Straznicky, PV, Mendis, Y and Kok, L.  “Development of Glare Fuselage Panels Using a Building Block Approach”, 5th Joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, Yamagata, Japan, September 2004.
  57. Jodoin, A, Laliberté, J, Poon, C, Mendis, Y, Straznicky, PV, and Kok, L.  “Diagonal Tension in Stiffened Aluminum and FML Cylinders”, 52nd CASI Conference, Montréal, QC, April 2003.
  58. Laliberté, J, Poon, C and Kok, L.  “Failure Modes in Riveted Fibre-Metal Laminate Joints”, CANCOM 2003, Ottawa, ON, August, 2003.
  59. Laliberté, J, Straznicky, PV and Poon, C.  “Numerical Modelling of Low Velocity Impact Damage in Fibre-Metal Laminates”, International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2002 Congress, Toronto, ON, September 2002.
  60. Laliberté, J, Straznicky, PV and Poon, C.  “Mode-I Delamination in Cross-Ply Fibre-Metal Laminates”, 10th International Congress of Fracture, Honolulu, December 2001.
  61. Laliberté, J, Straznicky, PV and Poon, C.  “Post Impact Shear Behaviour in GLARE”, CANCOM 2001, Montreal, QC, August 2001.
  62. Laliberté, J, Poon, C, Straznicky, PV and Fahr, A.  “Post-Impact Fatigue in Fiber-Metal Laminates”, 2nd International Conference on the Fatigue of Composites, Williamsburg, VA, June 2000.
  63. Laliberté, J, Poon, C, Straznicky, PV, Fawaz. Z and McCuaig, K.  “Post-Impact Biaxial Fatigue Crack Growth in GLARE”, 21st Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue,Toulouse, France, June 2001.
  64. Fahr, A, Chapman, CE, Laliberté, J and Poon, C.  “Non-Destructive Evaluation of Fiber-Metal Laminates” 7th International Conference on Composites Engineering, Denver, CO, July 2000.
  65. Poon, C, Laliberté, J and Straznicky, PV.  “Review of Fibre-Metal-Laminate Technology”, 3rd Joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, Kyoto, 2000.
  66. Laliberté, J, Poon, C and Straznicky, PV.  “Application of Fibre-Metal Laminates in Airframe Structures”, SPE – Polymer Composites ’99, Quebec City, QC, October 1999.
  67. Fahr, A, Chapman, CE, Forsyth, DF, Laliberté, J and Poon, C.  “Non-Destructive Evaluation Methods for Damage Assessment in Fibre-Metal Laminates”, SPE- Polymer Composites ’99, Quebec City, QC, October 1999.
  68. Laliberté, J, Poon, C and Straznicky, PV.  “Impact Damage Tolerance in Composites and Fibre Metal Laminates”, Canada-Taiwan Symposium on Aircraft Materials Testing, Maintenance and Repair, Ottawa, ON April 1999.
  69. Mrad, N, Sparling, S, Komorowski, J and Laliberté, J.  “Strain Monitoring and Fatigue Life of Bragg Grating Fiber Optic Sensors”, SPIE 6th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, CA, March 1999.
  70. Laliberté, J, Poon, C and Straznicky, PV. “Low Velocity Impact Damage in GLARE Fibre-Metal Laminates”, 12th International Conference on Composite Materials, Paris, France, July 1999.