Journal Publications
Group Presentations
Group Posters
Conference Proceedings

Journal Publications

Shunliu Zhao, Matthew G. Russell, Amir Hakami, Shannon L. Capps, Matthew D. Turner, Daven K. Henze, Peter B. Percell, Jaroslav Resler, Huizhong Shen, Armistead G. Russell, Athanasios Nenes, Amanda J. Pappin, Sergey L. Napelenok, Jesse O. Bash, Kathleen M. Fahey, Gregory R. Carmichael, Charles O. Stanier, and Tianfeng Chai (2020), A multiphase CMAQ version 5.0 adjoint, Geoscientific Model Development, 13, 2925-2944, doi:10.5194/gmd-2019-287

Pappin, A. J., A. Hakami, P. Blagden, M. Nasari, M. Szyszkowicz, R. T. Burnett (2016) Health benefits of reducing NOx emissions in the presence of epidemiological and atmospheric nonlinearities. Environ. Res. Lett., 11, 064015, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/6/064015.

Pappin, A. J., S. M. Mesbah, A. Hakami, S. Schott (2016) Response to comment on “Diminishing returns or compounding benefits of air pollution control? The case of NOx and ozone”, Environ. Sci. Technol., 49, 502-503, doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b05889.

Pappin, A. J., S. M. Mesbah, A. Hakami, S. Schott (2015) Diminishing returns or compounding benefits of air pollution control? The case of NOx and ozone. Environ. Sci. Technol., 49, 9548-9556, doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b00950.

Mesbah, S. M., A. Hakami, S. Schott (2015) Optimal ozone control with inclusion of spatiotemporal marginal damages and electricity demand, Environ. Sci. Technol., 49, 7870-7878, doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b01178.

Turner, M., D. K. Henze, A. Hakami, S. Capps, S. Zhao, J. Resler, G. Carmichael, C. Stanier, J. Baek, A. Sandu, A. Russell, A. Nenes, P. Percell, R. Pinder, S. Napelenok, J. Bash, T. Chai (2015),
Sector-specific health impacts of BC emissions in six urban US regions, Environ. Res. Lett., 10, 114014, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/11/114014.

Turner, M., D. K. Henze, A. Hakami, S. Zhao, J. Resler, Jaroslav, G. Carmichael, C. Stanier, J. Baek, A. Sandu, A. Russell, A. Nenes, G.-R. Jeong, S. Capps, P. Percell, R. Pinder, S. Napelenok, J. Bash, T. Chai, Tianfeng (2015), Differences between magnitudes and health impacts of BC emissions across the US using 12km scale seasonal source apportionment, Environ. Sci. Technol., 49, 4362-4371, doi:10.1021/es505968b.

Mesbah, S. M., Hakami, A., Schott, S. (2013) Optimal ozone reduction policy design using adjoint-based NOx marginal damage Information, Environ. Sci. Technol., 47, 13528-13535. doi:10.1021/es402531n.

Zhao, S., Pappin, A. J., Mesbah, S. M., Zhang, J. Y. J., MacDonald, N. L., Hakami, A. (2013) Adjoint estimation of ozone climate penalties, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40 (20), 5559-5563. doi:10.1002/2013GL057623.

Pappin, A. J. and A. Hakami (2013) Attainment vs. exposure: comparing the responses of ozone metrics to source-specific NOx controls using adjoint sensitivity analysis, Environ. Sci. Technol., 47, 13519-13527. doi:10.1021/es4024145.

Pappin, A. J. and A. Hakami (2013) Source attribution of health benefits from air pollution abatement in Canada and the United States: an adjoint sensitivity analysis, Environ. Health Persp., 121, 572-579. doi:10.1289/ehp.1205561.

Mesbah, S. M., S. Schott, A. Hakami (2012) Improving NOx cap-and-trade system with adjoint-based emission exchange rates, Environ. Sci. Technol., 46, 11905 – 11912.

Turner, A. J., D. K. Henze, R. V. Martin, A. Hakami (2012) The spatial extent of source influences on modeled column concentrations of short-lived species, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L12806.

Capps, S. L., D. K. Henze, A. Hakami, A. G. Russell, A. Nenes (2012) ANISORROPIA: the adjoint of the aerosol thermodynamic model ISORROPIA, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 527.

Hakami, A., D. K. Henze, J. H. Seinfeld, K. Singh, A. Sandu, S. Kim, D. W. Byun, Q. Li (2007), The adjoint of CMAQ, Environ. Sci. Technol , 41, 7807.

Henze, D. K., A. Hakami, J. H. Seinfeld (2007), Development of the adjoint GEOS-Chem, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 2413.

Hakami, A., J. H. Seinfeld, T. Chai, Y. Tang, G. R. Carmichael, A. Sandu (2006), Adjoint sensitivity analysis of ozone non-attainment over continental United States, Environ. Sci. Technol., 40, 3855.

Cohan, D. S., A. Hakami, Y. Hu, A. G. Russell (2005), Non-linear response of ozone to emissions: Source apportionment and sensitivity analysis, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39, 6739.

Hakami, A., D. K. Henze, J. H. Seinfeld, T. Chai, Y. Tang, G. R. Carmichael, A. Sandu (2005), Adjoint inverse modeling of black carbon during ACE-Asia, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D14301.

Hakami, A., M. S. Bergin, A. G. Russell (2004), Ozone formation potential of organic compounds in the Eastern US: A comparison of episodes, inventories, and domains, Environ. Sci. Technol., 38, 6748.

Hakami, A., M. T. Odman, A. G. Russell (2004), Non-linearity in atmospheric response: A direct sensitivity analysis approach, J. Geophys. Res., 109, D15303.

Hakami, A., R. A. Harley, J. B. Milford, M. T. Odman., A. G. Russell (2004), Regional, three-dimensional assessment of the ozone formation potential of organic compounds, Atmos. Environ., 38, 121.

Hakami, A., M. T. Odman, A. G. Russell (2003), High-order, direct sensitivity analysis of multi-dimensional air quality models, Environ. Sci. Technol., 37, 2442.

Kuebler, J., A. G. Russell, A. Hakami, A. Clappier, H. van der Bergh (2002), Episode selection for ozone modeling and control strategies analysis on the Swiss plateau, Atmos. Environ., 36, 2817.
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Group Presentations

Zhao, S., Oztaner, Y.B., Hakami, A., Vasilakos, P., Pappin, A., Boulton, W., Conley, G., Gauthier, M., Lundgren, J., Veerman, J., McClellan C., Aubin L., Tran, E., McAdam, K., Turner, M., Henze, D., Capps, S., Percell, P., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Chai, T., Byun, D. (2020). Adjoint Estimates of Benefits per Ton of Reducing PM2.5 precursor emissions in the U.S. Presented at the 19th Annual CMAS Conference, Virtual Presentation

Erdem, T., Oztaner, Y.B., Soltanzadeh, M., Hakami, A., Pappin, A., Boulton, W., Conley, G., Gauthier, M., Lundgren, J., Veerman, J., McClellan C., Aubin L., Tran, E., McAdam, K., Turner, M., Henze, D., Capps, S., Percell, P., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Chai, T., Byun, D. (2020). Estimating Societal Damages from Aviation Emissions in Canada. Presented at the 19th Annual CMAS Conference, Virtual Presentation

Voshtani, S., Ménard, R., Walker, T.,Hakami. A.,Evaluating methane emissions using extended Kalman filter and Iterative Kalman smoother inversions with CMAQ: Application of OSSEs. (2020). Presented at the 19th Annual CMAS Conference, Virtual Presentation

Hakami, A., Fillingham, M., Oztaner, Y.B., Zhao, S., Soltanzadeh, M., et al. (2018). Impact of grid resolution on health burdens from air pollution modelled with CMAQ-AdjointPresented at the 36th ITM Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Platform Presentation.

Genereux, A., Hakami, A., Pappin, A., Zhao, S., Russell, M., Turner, M., Henze, D.,Capps, S., Percell, P.B., Fahey, K., Resler, J., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Napelenok, S., Pinder, R., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Bash, J., Chai, T. (2018). Estimating Spatially Resolved, Age-Segregated Per-vehicle Health Benefits for Canada and the United States. Presented at the 36th ITM Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Platform Presentation.

Soltanzadeh, M., Oztaner, Y.B., Pappin, A., Russell, M., Zhao, S., Hakami, A., Capps, S., Turner, M., Henze, D., Percell, P.B., Fahey, K., Resler, J., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Napelenok, S., Pinder, R., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Bash, J., Chai, T., (2018). Air quality cobenefits of CO2 reduction in East Asia: An adjoint sensitivity analysis. Presented at the 36th ITM Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Platform Presentation.

Fillingham, M., Hakami, A., Oztaner, Y.B., Pappin, A., Zhao, S., Boulton, W., Conley, G., Gauthier, M., Lundgren, J., Veerman, J., McClellan C., Aubin L., Tran, E., McAdam, K., Turner, M., Henze, D., Capps, S., Percell, P., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Chai, T., Byun, D. (2018). Impact of model resolution on concentration and sensitivity estimates through process and input representation. Presented at the 36th ITM Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Platform Presentation.

Pappin, A., Pinault, L., Burnett, R., Oztaner, Y.B., Soltanzadeh, M., Zhao, S., Hakami, A., Johnson, M., Blagden, P., Weichenthal, S., Turner, M., Capps, S., Henze, D., Percell, P.B., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russell, A.G., Nenes, A. (2018). Nonlinearity in concentration-response models and implications for source-attributed air pollution health burdens. Presented at the 36th ITM Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Platform Presentation.

Chatwin-Davies, R., Oztaner, Y.B., Zhao, S., Fillingham, M., Soltanzadeh, M., Russell, M., Hakami, A., Pappin, A., Kheirbek, I., Ito, K., Matte, T., Haney, J., Douglas, S., et. al. (2018). Quantifying impacts of emission reductions on environmental justice and human health in a metropolitan area. Presented at the 36th ITM Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Platform Presentation.

Oztaner, Y.B., Soltanzadeh, M., Zhao, S., Pappin, A., Hakami, A., Turner, M., Henze, D., Capps, S., Percell, P.B., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Chai, T., Byun, D. (2018). Assessing the air quality health benefits of phasing out coal-fire power plants in Canada and US. Presented at the 36th ITM Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Platform Presentation.

Fillingham, M., Hakami, A., Oztaner, Y.B., Pappin, A., Zhao, S., Boulton, W., Conley, G., Gauthier, M., Lundgren, J., Veerman, J., McClellan C., Aubin L., Tran, E., McAdam, K., Turner, M., Henze, D., Capps, S., Percell, P., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Chai, T., Byun, D. (2017). Impact of grid resolution on health burdens from air pollution modelled with CMAQ-Adjoint. Presented at 16th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. Platform Presentation.

Genereux, A.J., Pappin, A., Hakami, A., (2017). Estimating the Tipping Point of Urban NOx Control in major US cities. Presented at 16th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. Platform Presentation.

Oztaner, Y.B., Soltanzadeh, M., Pappin, A., Zhao, S., Hakami, A., Turner, M., Capps, S., Henze, D., Percell, P.B., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Chai, T., Byun, D. (2017). Retrospective analysis of the air quality health benefits of phasing out coal-fired power plants in Ontario. Presented at 16th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. Platform Presentation.

Soltanzadeh, M., Oztaner, Y.B., Fillingham, M., Pappin, A., Russell, M., Zhao, S., Hakami, A., Capps, S., Turner, M., Henze, D., Percell, P.B., Fahey, K., Resler, J., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Napelenok, S., Pinder, R., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Bash, J., Chai, T., (2017). Source-specific estimation of air quality co-benefits of CO2 reductions: a multi-country analysis. Presented at 16th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. Platform Presentation.

Pappin, A., Naseri, M., Szyszkowicz, M., Burnett, R., Zhao, S., Oztaner, Y.B., Soltanzadeh, M., Russsell, M., Hakami, A., Turner, M., Henze, D., Capps, S., Percell, P.B., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Chai, T., (2017). Emission Control Benefits of Lowering Ambient PM Exposure in Canada and the U.S.: Application of CMAQ-Adjoint for Aerosols. Presented at 16th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. Platform Presentation

Sauvageau, I., Berman, B., Zhao, S., Hakami, A., Henze, D., Capps, S. (2017) Enabling sensitivity analysis in CMAQ with the complex-step approach. Presented at 16th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. Platform Presentation

Zhao, S., Hakami, A., Turner, M., Capps, S., Henze, D., Percell, P.B., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Chai, T., Byun, D. (2017). Development of CMAQ Adjoint Model with Aerosol Capabilities. Presented at 36th AAAR Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Poster Presentation.

Oztaner, Y.B., Soltanzadeh, M., Pappin, A., Zhao, S., Hakami, A., Turner, M., Capps, S., Henze, D., Percell, P.B., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Chai, T., Byun, D. (2017). Quantifying PM2.5 Health Benefits of Coal Power Plant Phase-out in Ontario and Alberta: An Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis. Presented at 36th AAAR Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Platform Presentation.

Pappin, A., Zhao, S., Soltanzadeh, M., Oztaner, Y.B., Hakami, A., Naseri, M., Szyszkowicz, M., Burnett, R., Turner, M., Capps, S., Henze, D., Percell, P.B., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Chai, T., Byun, D. (2017). Estimation for Location-specific Marginal Benefits for Primary and Precursor PM2.5 Emissions using the Adjoint of CMAQ. Presented at 36th AAAR Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Platform Presentation.

Genereux, A.J., Pappin, A., Hakami, A., (2017). Estimating the Tipping Point of Urban NOx Control in major US cities. Presented at 18th GEIA Conference, Hamburg, Germany. Platform Presentation.

Soltanzadeh, M., Oztaner, Y.B., Hakami, A., (2017). Assessing the air quality health benefits of phasing out coal-fire power plant in Ontario and Alberta: An adjoint sensitivity analysis. Presented at 18th GEIA Conference, Hamburg, Germany. Platform Presentation.

Soltanzadeh, M., Oztaner, Y.B., Pappin, A., Hakami, A., (2017). Source-specific estimation of air quality co-benefits of CO2 reduction in Europe, Canada and the United States using backward sensitivity analysis. Presented at 18th GEIA Conference, Hamburg, Germany. Platform Presentation.

Mashayekhi, R., Zhao, S,. Oztaner, Y.B., Saeednooran, S., Hakami, A., Moran, M.D., Menard, R., Zhang, J. (2017) Development and Implementation of a Formal Framework for Bottom-up Uncertainty Analysis of Input Emissions: Case Study of Residential Wood Combustion. Presented at EPA’s Emission Inventory Conference (EIC2017), Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Platform Presentation.

Soltanzadeh, M., Hakami, A. Quantifying co-benefits of CO2 emission reductions in Canada and the US: An adjoint sensitivity analysis, 15th annual Community Modelling and Analysis Systems conference, Chapel Hill, 2016.

Genereux, A., Pappin, A. , Hakami, A. Estimating age-segregated per-vehicle health benefits for the Canadian fleet, 15th annual Community Modelling and Analysis Systems conference, Chapel Hill, 2016.

Fillingham, M. Assessing the impact of grid resolution on forward and backward sensitivity results, 15th annual Community Modelling and Analysis Systems conference, Chapel Hill, 2016.

Mashayekhi, R. Development of an Emission Uncertainty Inventory and Modeling Framework: Case Study of Residential Wood Combustion, 15th annual Community Modelling and Analysis Systems conference, Chapel Hill, 2016.

Zhao, S. et al. A multiphase adjoint model for CMAQ, 14th annual Community Modelling and Analysis Systems conference, Chapel Hill, 2015.

Soltanzadeh, M., Chatwin-Davies, R., Pappin, A., Hakami, A. Quantifying co-benefits of CO2 emission reductions for the US: An Adjoint sensitivity analysis, 14th annual Community Modelling and Analysis Systems conference, Chapel Hill, 2015.

Pappin, A., Mesbah, M., Hakami, A. Compounding Benefits of Air Pollution Control: A Revised View of Air Pollution Economics, 14th annual Community Modelling and Analysis Systems conference, Chapel Hill, 2015.

Falsafi, P., Hakami, A. Implementation of Linear Sensitivity Approximate Method (LSAM) for Sensitivity Advection in CMAQ Adjoint, 14th annual Community Modelling and Analysis Systems conference, Chapel Hill, 2015.

Mesbah, S. M., Hakami, A., Schott, S. Marginal damages of NOx emissions: an application of the adjoint of CMAQ, 12th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2013.

Zhao, S., Mesbah, M., Pappin, A., Hakami, A. Adjoint-based climate penalty factor: a perspective on air quality decision-making in a changing world, 12th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2013.

Pappin, A. J., A. Hakami, Source attribution of air pollution abatement health benefits, Health Canada, Ottawa, 2012.

Pappin, A. J., A. Hakami, Source attribution of health-based and attainment-based ozone metrics in North America, 11th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2012.

Pappin, A. J., A. Hakami, Quantification of source-specific contributions to air quality health metrics using adjoint sensitivity analysis. International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Science Conference, Beijing, 2012.

Zhao, S., S. M. Mesbah, J. Zhang, N. MacDonald, A. J. Pappin, A. Hakami, Model-based evaluation of climate penalty factor, Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Toronto, 2012.

Hakami, A., Adjoint sensitivity analysis as a decision support tool, Institute for Computer Science, Prague, 2012.

Hakami, A., Adaptive air quality management through operational sensitivity forecasting, 3rd International Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting Research, Washington D.C., 2011.

Zhao, S., A. Hakami, Development and integration of an aerosol adjoint model for CMAQ, 10th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2011.

Pappin, A. J., A. Hakami, Source attribution of air pollution abatement health benefits, 10th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2011.

Mesbah, S. M., S. Schott, A. Hakami, Estimation of unit-level marginal abatement cost and emission market modeling; case study of NOx SIP calls sources, 10th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2011.

Hakami, A., A. Pappin, Spatiotemporal source apportionment of policy relevant metrics, 45th Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Victoria, 2011.

Hakami, A., Time- and location-dependent exchange rates for NOx cap-and-trade systems, Atlanta, 2011.

Zhao, S., A. Hakami, et al., Development of a full adjoint for CMAQ, 9th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2010.

MacDonald, N., A. Hakami, Temporal Source Apportionment of Policy-Relevant Air Quality Metrics, 9th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2010.

Hakami, A., Spatiotemporal source apportionment of policy relevant metrics, 44th Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Ottawa, 2010.

Hakami, A., S. M. Mesbah, S. Schott, Performance evaluation of NOx trading systems, 2nd Annual ONSEP Workshop, Niagara on the lake, 2010.

Mesbah, S. M., Schott, S., Hakami, A., Improving the effectiveness of NOx cap-and-trade programs: a proof of concept study of US power plants, 2nd Annual ONSEP Workshop, Niagara on the lake, 2010.

Amid, F., Russell, M., Hakami, A., Hu, Y., Russell, A. G., NOx emission inversion using OMI observations, 8th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2009.

Mesbah, S. M., S. Schott, A. Hakami, Y. Hu, A. G. Russell, Adjoint modeling for improved effectiveness of emission trading systems, 8th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2009.

Hakami, A., Towards a framework for integrated policy and economic analysis of air pollution, Ontario Ministry of Environment, Toronto, 2008.

Hakami, A., Backward sensitivity analysis as a potent policy support tool, Health Canada, Ottawa, 2008.

Hakami A., Policy applications of sensitivity analysis in air quality modeling, University of Toronto, Toronto, 2007.

Hakami, A., Applications of forward and backward sensitivity analysis in air quality modeling, Environment Canada, Dorval, 2007.Hakami, A., Target-based analysis of air quality metrics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, 2007.

Hakami, A., Implementation of forward and backward sensitivity analysis methods in air quality models, Environment Canada, Downsview, 2007.Hakami, A., K. Singh, A. Sandu, J. H. Seinfeld, Further development and applications for adjoint of CMAQ, 6th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2007.
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Group Posters

Genereux, A.J., Pappin, A., Hakami, A., (2018). Estimating the Tipping Point of Urban NOx Control in major US cities. Presented at the 36th ITM Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Poster Presentation.

Voshtani, S., Zhao, S., Hakami, A., (2018). Evaluating methane emissions using KF and 4D-VAR inversion in CMAQ. Presented at the 36th ITM Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Poster Presentation.

Keon, M., Soltanzadeh, M., Fillingham, M., Zhao, S., Russell, M., O’Brien, W., Hakami, A., Pappin, A., Turner, M., Henze, D., Capps, S., Percell, P.B., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Chai, T., Byun, D. (2017). Estimating health damages and co-benefits associated with combustion-based residential heating systems. Presented at 16th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. Poster Presentation.

Zhao, S., Hakami, A., Turner, M., Capps, S., Henze, D., Percell, P.B., Resler, J., Bash, J., Napelenok, S., Fahey, K., Pinder, R., Russel, A.G., Nenes, A., Baek, J., Carmicheal, G., Stanier, C., Sandu, A., Chai, T., Byun, D. (2017). Development of CMAQ Adjoint Model with Aerosol Capabilities. Presented at 16th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. Poster Presentation.

Chatwin-Davies, R. Quantifying contributions to U.S. environmental inequality: an adjoint sensitivity analysis, 15th annual Community Modelling and Analysis Systems conference, Chapel Hill, 2016.

Pappin, A. J., Zhao, S., Mesbah, M., Hakami, A. Diurnal influences of the urban heat island effect on ozone mortality: an adjoint case study, 12th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2013.

Pappin, A. J., Zhao, S., Mesbah, M., Hakami, A. Diurnal influences of the urban heat island effect on ozone mortality: An adjoint case study, 12th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2013.

Hajaghassi, S., A. Hakami, Estimation of 3-D reactivities through adjoint sensitivity analysis, 11th annual Community Modeling and Analysis Systems workshop, Chapel Hill, 2012.

Zhao, S., S. M. Mesbah, J. Zhang, N. MacDonald, A. Pappin, A., A. Hakami, Model-based evaluation of ozone climate penalty factor, International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Science Conference, Beijing, 2012.

Pappin, A. J., A. Hakami, Source attribution of attainment and exposure-based ozone metrics in North America, Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Toronto, 2012.

Amid, F., A. Hakami, Regional NOx Emission Inversion based on OMI observations, International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Science Conference, Halifax, 2010.
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Conference Proceedings

Mesbah, M., A. Hakami, S. Schottt, A Temporal NOx Emissions Trading System: Case study of US Power Plants, in Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications XXII, Springer, 2013.

Pappin, A. J., A. Hakami, Source attribution of air pollution abatement health benefits, in Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications XXII, Springer, 2013 (in press).

Mesbah, S. M., S. Schott, A. Hakami, Targeted NOx emissions control for improved environmental performance, in Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications XXII, Springer, 2013 (in press).

Russell, M., A. Hakami, Forecasting sensitivities: is adaptive, short-term air quality management a viable option, in Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications XXII, Springer, 2013 (in press).
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