Campus Services recently won a CAUBO award for their efforts in transforming the University Centre Food Court into a zero waste facility.

Before the implementation of this program, only 12% of waste materials in the Food Court were being correctly recycled.

  • In 2018-19, 92% of all non-franchise packaging in the Food Court is now recyclable or compostable
  • 12 student staff have been hired to help customers learn how to reduce their environmental impact
  • Prior to implementation of new recycling stations – 12% correctly recycled, 88% incorrectly recycled
    • 1 month after implementation – 71% correctly recycled, 29% incorrectly recycled
    • 4 months after implementation – 90% correctly recycled, 10% incorrectly recycled
  • Between March and December 2017, we improved the diversion rate in the Food Court from a dismal 12% to an astounding 90%, giving the Food Court its first Zero Waste Certification (“zero waste” means 10% or less of all waste goes to a landfill”)

The creation of the stations was a collaborative effort. Amanda Coome, the former Communications Design Coordinator with the Campus Services Marketing Team, designed the station’s signage that directs customers to the appropriate place to put their waste. The Print Shop made the colourful, eye-grabbing prints come to life.

The zero waste project began with a pilot station in the Food Court. When the pilot proved to be successful, additional stations were added at the rear of the Court, as well as in Oasis and the Loeb Cafe.

The program has diverted approximately 132 000 lbs of recycling away from the landfill and has prevented the generation of over 490 073 lbs of methane gas.

Thursday, April 18, 2019 in , , ,
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