Portrait of Janna Klosterman

Janna Klosterman

PhD Candidate

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Carleton University

Email: Janna.payne@carleton.ca


Life history project examining how care work is organized and imagined in Ontario

Supervised by Dr. Susan Braedley

Projects at the Care Work, Aging and Health Lab


Janna Klostermann is a PhD Candidate in Carleton’s Department of Sociology and Anthropology.

Her doctoral research examines meanings and practices of ‘care work’ through the life histories of care providers, who reached their limits and stepped back from care or family responsibilities in Ontario. The project mobilizes feminist theories and methods to investigate tensions in care work, while contributing to critical thought on the intersections of care work and aging.

Her scholarly work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Canadian Journal of Discourse and Writing (2017), the Canadian Review of Sociology (in press), Culture and Organization (2019), Ethnography and Education (2018), Literacy and Numeracy Studies (2016), Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives (2017), Studies in Social Justice (in press), Women’s Health Advocacy: Rhetorical Ingenuity for the 21st Century (2019).


Cover for Culture and Organization

Investigating the organizational everyday: a critical feminist approach
Janna Klosterman
Culture and Organization

Cover for Women's Health Advocacy

Altering Imaginaries and Demanding Treatment: Women’s AIDS Activism in Toronto, 1980s-1990s
Janna Klostermann
Women’s Health Advocacy: Rhetorical Ingenuity for the 21st Century
Jamie White-Farnham, Bryna Siegel Finer and Cathryn Molloy (editors)

Cover of Reading Sociology

Starting With a Squish: An Institutional Ethnography of Canada’s Art World
Janna Klosterman
Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives, 3rd edition
Patrizia Albanese, Lorne Tepperman, and Emily Alexander (editors)
Oxford University Press