Portrait of Madeline Lamanna

Madeline Lamanna

MSc Student

Health Sciences
Carleton University

Health Sciences Profile
Email: madelinelamanna@cmail.carleton.ca

MSc Thesis

“Imagining Age-Friendly “Communities Within Communities”: Uncovering Social and Physical Barriers to Age-Friendly Transportation “

Supervised by Dr. Renate Ysseldyk, Co-supervised by Dr. Susan Braedley

Projects at the Care Work, Aging and Health Lab


Madeline Lamanna holds a Master of Science in Health Sciences from Carleton University, Department of Health Sciences. She also received an Honours Bachelor of Science in Health Studies and Psychology from the University of Toronto.

Her MSc thesis work focused on physical and social access to transportation for older adults in Ottawa and how transportation is a significant factor in reducing social isolation for “at-risk” seniors. This thesis project was supervised by Dr. Renate Ysseldyk, with Dr. Susan Braedley as a member of her Graduate Advisory Committee.

She was a Research Assistant with the “Imagining Age-Friendly ‘communities within communities’: International Promising Practices” and the “COVID and Seniors at Home: Addressing Diverse Needs, Supporting Seniors’ Service Innovation” projects.


Cover of Canadian Journal on Ageing

The Association between Public Transportation and Social Isolation in Older Adults: A Scoping Review of the Literature
Madeline Lamanna, Christopher Klinger, Anna Liu and Raza Mirza
Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement
