Geoffrey C. Kellow
Associate Professor. Undergraduate Advisor
Degrees: | B.A. Concordia University, B.A. McGill University, M.A. McMaster University, Ph.D. Carleton University |
Email: | geoffrey.kellow@carleton.ca |
Office: | 2A59 Paterson Hall |
Dr. Kellow is an Associate Professor of Humanities specializing in the History of Ideas. Professor Kellow earned two bachelor’s degrees from Concordia University and McGill University in Political Science (1994) and Philosophy (1996) respectively. Following his undergraduate studies, he pursued graduate degrees in political science. Dr. Kellow earned his Master’s in political science, with a specialization in political theory, from McMaster University in 1998. He then went on to earn a Doctorate in Political Science at Carleton University in 2003. Dr. Kellow was an instructor in the Political Science Department at Carleton University from 2004-2006. Most recently he taught in the Anthropology, Economics and Political Science Department at Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton, Alberta.
In his current research, Professor Kellow is particularly interested in the philosophical and intellectual origins of liberal capitalism and most especially the philosophy of Adam Smith. Professor Kellow has also conducted related research on liberalism, liberal education and the philosophy of Cicero.
Research Interests
History of Political and Economic Thought
Adam Smith & Benjamin Franklin
Liberal Education
Geoffrey C. Kellow The Wisdom of the Commons: The Education of Citizens from Plato’s Republic to the Wealth of Nations. (Cham, Switzerland:Palgrave Macmillan, 2022)
Geoffrey Kellow and Neven Leddy, eds. On Civic Republicanism (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016).
2020 “Benjamin Franklin’s Comic Critique of Religious Controversy” Political Science Reviewer, Vol. 44 No. 1
2020 “Epistemology, Inquiry and Identity” in Perspectives on Political Science, Vol. 49 No. 3.
2020 “Benjamin Franklin and the Lessons of Opportunism During Crises” Starting Points Journal, May 22, 2020
2018 “Benjamin Franklin and Adam Smith: Two Strangers and the Spirit of Capitalism” in History of Political Economy, Vol.50 No. 2.
2011 “’Things Familiar to the Mind’: Heuristic Style and Elliptical Citation in The Wealth of Nations.” History of the Human Sciences Spring Vol. 24 No. 1
2011 “Nicholas Barbon’s New Politics of Commerce.” The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics Spring 2011 Vol. 4 No. 1
Geoffrey Kellow “Introduction” in On Civic Republicanism (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016)
Geoffrey Kellow “A Shortage of Men: Wealth, Rank and Recognition in Cicero’s Civic Education,” in Oligarchy: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics, ed. T. Koivokoski and D. Tabachnick. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011)
Geoffrey Kellow, “The Rise of Global Power and the Music of the Spheres: Philosophy and History in Cicero’s De Re Publica,” in Enduring Empire: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics, ed. T. Koivokoski and D. Tabachnick. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009), 147-163.
Geoffrey Kellow, “Constituting Canadians: George Brown’s Confederation Address” in Liberal Education, Civic Education and the Canadian Regime ed. David Livingstone. (Montreal: McGill Queen’s University Press, October 2015
Other Publications
2017 Opinion Essay “Remember the Roots of Canada’s Inclusiveness and Diversity” Ottawa Citizen, February 3, 2017
2017 Book Review, The Way Back F.H. Buckley, Voegelin View, June 8, 2017
2015 Opinion Essay “Why is it so hard to access Canada’ Founding Debates” National Post, February 11, 2015
2015 Down Confederation Road, Review of Janet Ajzenstat’s Discovering Confederation, (MQUP) in January/February issue of Convivium.
2013 Critical Review of Willie Henderson’s Evaluating Adam Smith in The Adam Smith Review, Vol 7.
2010 Response Essay “Response to Professor Mulcahy” College Quarterly, Spring 2010, Volume 12, Number 2.
2009 Editorial Essay, “Insite Reduces Harm…For Whom?” National Post, February 19, 2009.
2004 Book Review, “Republicanism in the Modern World,” Canadian Journal of Political Science, June, 2004.