To the Carleton University community, Zeba Crook is known as the popular professor of Religion in the College Humanities. To many outside of Carleton U, he is recognized as local folk singer-songwriter, Yield.

As Yield, Crook has been playing his gritty brand of folk music in and around Ottawa for four years. He has recently won two rounds of a battle of the bands hosted by The Lunenburg Pub, and has now qualified for their grand final on Friday, March 7, 2014. Yield plays with a mostly anonymous (as desired) CU Bachelor of Humanities student who goes by the stage pseudonym of “Wilhelmus Poirier.” Wilhelmus Poirier compliments Crook’s acoustic guitar and vocals with his electric bass.

Crook has been performing and creating music for years. During the nineties, while living in Vancouver, he recorded an album entitled Saturn Return, but never went ahead with promoting it. As he continued to pursue his PhD in Toronto, music took a back seat to academia. At one point, it appeared that his days as a musician were going to be nothing more than a nice memory from his past. That was until one of those remarkable, perspective altering life events occurred. An event that had the subsequent effect of rekindling Crook’s passion for creating music.

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