The MA in Religion and Public Life is designed to be completed a three-term academic year. The following is a list of courses provided each term for the academic year listed. Elective courses may be taken outside of the program subject to approval by the Graduate Program Coordinator. For more courses information, please consult the Official Graduate Calendar.

Courses for 2024-2025

Fall 2024

RELI 5801 Ash Geissinger Seminar in the Discipline
RELI 5802 Ash Geissinger Seminar in Religion and Public Life

Winter 2025

RELI 5801 Kim Stratton Seminar in the Discipline
RELI 5780 Chris Jensen Graduate Research Seminar
RELI 5850B Noel Salmond Hermeneutics: Interpreting texts
RELI 5850C Johannes Wolfart Prophets and Revolutionaries: Christianity and populism from c.1500-present

Note: Students who did not take Theory and Method (RELI 4741 or its equivalent) in their undergraduate coursework must take RELI 4741 as an additional program requirement. Please note, RELI 4741 is offered annually in the Fall semester only, and a grade of B- or greater is required in order to continue in the program. Students should check their offers of admission carefully to ensure that they register for and complete this requirement.

RELI 5801 F Seminar in the Discipline
This mandatory seminar introduces students to graduate level work in Religious Studies. A faculty team addresses current debates and practices in both the discipline and profession. Students are evaluated on a pass/fail basis. Includes: Experiential Learning Activity

RELI 5802 F Seminar: Religion and Public Life
This mandatory seminar introduces the main methodological and theoretical tools of the program. The course focuses on key thinkers and case studies to approach “religion and public life” from Religious Studies perspectives. Includes: Experiential Learning Activity

RELI 5780 W Graduate Research Seminar
This mandatory seminar, intended as a workshop, guides students through the process of producing a major paper proposal and the initial stages of writing the research essay.

Information on the Masters Research Essay

Full-time students normally register for the Research Essay in the Summer term. Students are required to pay full time tuition for the Summer term and are encouraged to budget accordingly. If students do not complete their Research Essay by the end of the Summer term, they must re-register for the course in every subsequent term until completion AND are responsible for tuition fees in each of those terms. See articles 7 and 8 of the General Regulations in the Official Graduate Calendar.

NOTE: The deadline for submission of the Research Essay is determined by the Supervisor.  The final grade for the Research Essay must be submitted by the professor within 10 days of the end of the examination period.

Archived Course Outlines