Photo of Sana Patel

Sana Patel

Year of Graduation: 2016

Title of MRE: The Children Ask, “Who Am I?”: Examining the Construction of Muslim Identity Among Young South Asians in Toronto

What attracted you to Carleton University’s MA in Religion and Public Life program? 

I liked Carleton’s emphasis on public scholarship and applying the study of religion to life outside of academia.

What were some of your highlights of attending Carleton University?

Some of my highlights from the program included making friends with my peers, establishing good relationships with professors who I am still in touch with today, and attending & participating in conferences held within the department.

What are you up to now and what aspects of the MA experience have gone with you? 

I am currently a PhD student at the University of Ottawa in the Religious Studies program. I am enjoying my time here and completing the Carleton program has definitely helped me in working through some of the coursework I have now.