Welcome to “Pillar & Prose,” a unique platform where the confluence of government expertise, industry innovation, and academic insight enhances our understanding and fortifies our defenses in critical infrastructure

Welcome to “Pillar & Prose,” your premier source for exploring the intricate landscape of critical infrastructure protection, security, and resilience. Our newsletter brings together robust analysis, compelling storytelling, and scholarly insight, tailored for professionals, academics, and enthusiasts passionate about safeguarding the pillars of our society. Each edition promises a deep dive into the latest challenges and innovations shaping our infrastructure’s future.

Through this newsletter, readers can expect a fusion of insightful analysis, engaging storytelling, and scholarly discourse, making it a valuable resource for professionals, academics, and enthusiasts alike. Join us as we delve into the realms of infrastructure, security, and resilience through the lens of “Pillar & Prose.”

Join our community and be part of a forward-thinking group dedicated to resilience in the face of emerging threats and opportunities. For more details and to subscribe, visit us at Carleton University’s NC-CIPSeR page. Stay informed, stay protected—join “Pillar & Prose” today and contribute to a resilient tomorrow.

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