(NC-CIPSeR) is adopting innovative approaches to knowledge translation, one of which is the creation of short, informative videos. These videos aim to break down complex CIP research findings into digestible, engaging content that can easily be understood by a wide audience, including policymakers, industry leaders, stakeholders and the general public. By leveraging visual storytelling, concise explanations, and real-world examples, these videos will highlight key research insights, emerging threats, and practical recommendations for enhancing the resilience of critical infrastructure.

Why It Matters

In an era where information overload is common, making research findings accessible and understandable is crucial for informed decision-making and effective policy development. Our video communications initiative aims to leverage visual storytelling, concise explanations, and real-world examples to highlight key research insights, emerging threats, and practical recommendations for enhancing the resilience of critical infrastructure. Our desire is to showcase the work that is done in this

In our engaging video series, we dive into the heart of the field of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), showcasing the dynamic and interdisciplinary nature of the work that drives this crucial area forward. Viewers will get an insider’s look at the collaborative environment where experts from cybersecurity, emergency management, engineering, and policy analysis come together to tackle the complex challenges facing our nation’s critical infrastructure.

These videos will highlight the innovative approaches and cutting-edge technologies being employed to enhance resilience, as well as the real-world applications of research that contribute to safeguarding public safety and economic stability. By illustrating the tangible impacts of CIP efforts and the diverse career paths within the field, we aim to inspire a new generation of students and professionals to explore and contribute to this vital area of national security and resilience.

Stay tuned for videos…