The Files tool is a good way to organize files (like pdfs) on your website. Files can easily be replaced and the URL will not change or break. Below is an example of how a file will appear on a page.


Adding a new file

  1. Add a new File using the side or top menu.
  2. Name your file using the Add Title field
  3. In the File Content area, fill out your file details and upload the file
    1. Choose the option under Document Type that corresponds to your file’s format.
    2. Choose whether you are uploading a file or linking to a pre-existing file.
    3. If you are uploading a file, click Add File under File Upload and choose the file from the Media Library, or upload it from your device by clicking Upload Files and then Select Files.
    4. If you are linking to a file, copy-paste the URL into the field under File Link.
  4. You can also add a short description of your file in the Description box.
  5. You may also categorize your file using the File Categories menu.
  6. Save, schedule, or publish your file.

Pulling files onto a page

  1. Add or edit the page on which you would like to list your terms and definitions.
  2. Click Add Post Element located above the Content Editor.
  3. Click the List Files icon.
  4. If you have categorized your files, select which categories you would like to have placed on this particular page. If no categories are selected, all files will be listed.
  5. Click Insert Element.
  6. Publish or Update the page.

Video Tutorial


Try It Out!

Now that you know how to upload files and pull them onto pages, let’s try it out!

  1. Add a new file and give it a name.
  2. Upload a file to your website. You can use the Sample File at the top of this page. Make sure to pick the matching Document Type. 
  3. Add this file to a file category.
  4. Pull your file onto your test page using the List Files tool.
  5. Order your files alphabetically, from Z-A, using the Order Files By and Select Order tools.
  6. Click Insert Element.
  7. Save your test page as a draft