FAQs, or “Frequently Asked Questions” provide answers to common questions that are asked. Check out the CMS Help Centre’s Frequently Asked Questions page for an example of how FAQs are used.


Creating a new FAQ

  1. Add a new FAQ using the side or top menu.
  2. Type your question into the Add Title field.
  3. Type the answer into the Response field under FAQ Content.
  4. You may also categorize your FAQ using the FAQ Categories menu.
  5. Save, schedule, or publish your FAQ.

Pulling FAQs onto a page

  1. Add or edit the page to which you would like to list FAQs.
  2. Click Add Post Element located above the Content Editor.
  3. Click the List FAQs icon.
  4. If you have categorized your FAQs, select which categories you would like to have placed on this particular page. If no categories are selected, all FAQs will be listed.
  5. Click Insert Element.
  6. Publish or Update the page.

Video Tutorial


Try It Out!

Test out your FAQ skills by creating an FAQ and adding it to a page.

  1. Create an FAQ.
  2. Type out your question. You could ask yourself a simple question (“what time is it?”) or imagine a question that visitors to your site might have.
  3. Type out your answer.
  4. Categorize your FAQ into a new category.
  5. Publish the FAQ.
  6. Pull the FAQ onto your test page by selecting the category you made.
  7. Save your page as a draft.