A video can be embedded in any page or post. In order to do so, the video must first be uploaded to YouTube. There are two ways to add videos to a page that will display differently on the page:

  1. Adding a video by URL: this method will display a full sized video on your page. It’s ideal for adding single videos to your page. See an example of videos added by URL.
  2. List Videos: this option displays videos in a collection and is best for displaying multiple videos on your page. See an example of a video listing.

Like many types of content, adding videos to your homepage is a different process. See the homepage training page for instructions.


Adding a video by URL

  1. Edit the content to which you want to add the video.
  2. Click Add Media.
  3. In the menu on the left side, locate the Insert from URL option.
  4. Click on Insert from URL and copy and paste the YouTube URL of your video into the blank field.
    Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 11.26.40 AM
  5. Click Insert into post.

List Videos

Add new videos

  1. Add a new Video using the side or top menu.
  2. Name your video using the Add Title field.
  3. Enter the YouTube URL for the video in the Video URL field.
  4. You may add a short description of your video.
  5. Categorize your video using the Video Categories menu.
  6. Save, schedule, or publish your Video.

Pulling videos onto a page:

  1. Add or edit the page on which you would like to list your videos.
  2. Click Add Post Element located above the Content Editor.
  3. Click the List Videos icon.
  4. Select the category or categories you wish to display.
    1. You can also choose how many videos to display by typing the number of videos to show in the Limit field.
  5. Click Insert Element.
  6. Publish or Update the page.

Video Tutorial


Try It Out!

Practice adding videos to your website and page with these tasks:

  1. Add a video by URL to your test page.
  2. Add a new video to your website (or the CCMS Playground) and categorize it .
  3. List your video using the List Videos tool.
  4. Save your test page.