A button is essentially a more visually distinctive way of presenting a link and is useful for directing users to content you want them to visit. For example, each of these training modules has a button at the end which links to the next unit in the module.

Note: Using square brackets in your button text will sometimes cause the button to malfunction. Change these to regular brackets instead to resolve the issue.


Add a button to a page or post

  1. Click Add Post Element.
  2. In the Insert Post Element menu, select Button.
  3. Add Text and a Link to the button.
    1. Text is what will be written on the button.
    2. Link is where the button will lead when clicked.
  4. You have the option to have the link open in a new window or tab.
  5. You have the option to choose the button Style (Red Outline or Red Solid).
  6. You have the option to change the Button Alignment (Left or Center).

Video Tutorial


Try It Out!

Buttons are a great tool to help visitors to your page navigate you website. Try adding one to your test page.

  1. Add a button to your test page.
  2. Brainstorm any places where you might want to insert a button on your website.