Posts have likely been introduced to you in the form of blog entries or news items. Posts are usually grouped together to allow for easy accessibility.

  • Posts are dynamic content, meaning that they are updated frequently
  • Using posts is the most effective method for sharing up-to-date information
  • Posts do not appear on the navigation menu

This is an example of a post.

Step by Steps

In the post editor screen, you’ll find most of the same options as in the page editor screen.

Creating a new post

  1. Add a new post using the side or top menu.
  2. Give your post a title by typing into the Add Title field and add content to the text editor box.
  3. Add your post to a category.
  4. Give your post a thumbnail by selecting from the Post Thumbnail Icon drop down list or upload your own thumbnail.
  5. Save, schedule, or publish your post.

Pulling posts onto a page

  1. Add/Edit the page on which you would like to list news.
  2. Click Add Post Element located above the content editor.
  3. Click the List News icon.
  4. Select which categories you would like to have placed on this page. If no category is selected, all posts will be listed.
  5. You also have the option to set the number of items limit, add a load more button and display post thumbnails.
  6. Click Insert Element.

Video Tutorial


Try It Out!

Now that you have learned how to work with posts, time to try it out!

  1. Add a new post with a title, some content, and a thumbnail.
  2. Add your post to a category.
  3. Publish your post.
  4. List your new post on a page.