Why you should choose the Department of Cognitive Science at Carleton University!

Carleton University offers you one of the few fully integrated programs in Cognitive Science in Canada. At Carleton, you will develop a solid foundation in the different elements that make up this field of study, and will also be able to specialize in an area of particular interest.

The Department of Cognitive Science (ICS), in co-operation with the departments of PsychologyPhilosophyLinguistics, and Computer Science, offers the following programs:

Dr. Elizabeth Christie, an Alumni of the Ph.D. program, discusses why she chose to study Cognitive Science at Carleton.

What do Cognitive Scientists Study?

Cognitive scientists are involved in the application of cognitive science research to real world problems. With researchers in a variety of disciplines, areas of research is varied.  Here is a sampling of the types of research you could explore, learn and join:

  • logical foundations of language, computational logic
  • attention, spatial navigation, categorization
  • language acquisition, neurolinguistics and psycholinguistics
  • pragmatics, field linguistics, language change, cross-linguistic variation,
  • mathematics education, gaming, visualization, team-oriented technology,
  • modelling platforms, some examples are: Visuo, ACT-R, and NetLogo
  • development of language and literacy, theory of mind and executive function.

Read more information about our research.

Learn more about the degree that’s right for you!

The Department of Cognitive Science at Carleton University is one of the few institutions in North America to offer all three Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in Cognitive Science.