Q:  What is cuDesktop?

A:  cuDesktop is a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) technology providing remote access to software used for specific courses.

Q:  What is a Virtual Desktop?

A:  A virtual Desktop is a Windows desktop with specific applications installed that is accessed remotely.  This provides access to these applications without needing them to be installed on your computer or device directly.   Using the client software to connect, the programs appear on your screen as though they were running locally.

Q:  How long can I use cuDesktop at one time?

A:  The limit for being connected to a cuDesktop virtual desktop is 3 ½ hours.  You should see a warning before reaching this limit.  Please save your work to your P: drive before logging out or getting disconnected after reaching the end of the time limit.

Q:  What happens if I get disconnected?

A:  If you get disconnected and can reconnect within 5 minutes, you will connect to the virtual environment that you were previously using.  If you do not connect within 5 minutes the virtual environment is refreshed and you will receive a new environment when you connect.  If you logoff of the session the virtual desktop is refreshed right away.  Please save your work regularly to your network drive (P:).

Q:  Can I make changes to cuDesktop and will they be there the next time I use the system?

A:  Any changes made to the virtual environment, including saving any files to my documents or the desktop will be lost when you logout or are disconnected for more than 5 minutes.  Please ensure you save your work to your network drive.

Q:  What is this bar across the top of my screen?

A:  The VMware View Client application has different ways of interacting with it depending on the type of device you are using to connect.  Please visit the help and support page for the version of the client that you are using.

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Android
  • iOS

Q:  How do I access this service?

A:  This service requires a client application installed on your computer or device.  To download the client, go to the homepage of this website  and click on the link under the type of device that you are using.  Once the client is installed open it and use cuDesktop.carleton.ca as the connection server and use your MyCarletonOne account.

Q:  I am having problems connecting or have questions on using this service.

A:  Please check the support information for the client version that you are using located on the menu to the left.  If you are still having problems or have questions please email its.service.desk@carleton.ca or contact the ITS Service Desk.

Q:  Can I access this service from home or off campus?

A:  Yes, this service is available from off campus.  Please note, if you are using a mobile device that connects to a cellular network, you may incur data charges from your provider when using this service.  We recommend using a WiFi or Wired Ethernet connection whenever possible.

Q:  When I connect from off campus it takes longer to connect and the display is choppy, is there anything I can do to make this better?

A:  The speed and quality of the internet connection that you are using can impact accessing this service.  We recommend stopping or limiting other applications running on your computer or device that connect to the internet while you are using the virtual environment.  Programs, games or websites that download files, stream audio or video or use Adobe Flash can use enough internet bandwidth and not leave enough for the VMware View client.

Q:  Can you include this other application in the virtual environment?

A:  If you are an instructor and would like to explore options for using other software within the virtual environment for your course, please contact the ITS Service Desk or email its.service.desk@carleton.ca.  If you are a student who would like to use additional software inside of the virtual environment, please speak to your course instructor to determine if the software could be included in the course.  There are some limitations on software that can be added from a licensing, as well as a technical perspective, so all requests would need to be evaluated before the software can be added to the environment.