Quite often when attempting to add a new column to the gradebook, there is often confusion about which button at the bottom of the page to push:


The terminology can lead to a misunderstanding, but the following will hopefully shed some light on when to use what:

Add Category: Only use this button when you want to group several different grade items together. For example, if you have a series of quizzes and you want to drop the lowest one, you can put them together here. Grouping them this way will allow you to select from similar items and it will also keeps things clear for students who are viewing their own reports. It will automatically sum any items that are placed inside it to create a ‘category total’ column within the gradebook.

Add Grade Item: Use this button for any individual graded piece of work evaluated by you as the instructor or TA. You can enter grades into the gradebook for each item and set a weight to be allocated towards the course total. This item can be placed inside a category as a portion of the whole.

Caution: If you add a category instead of a grade item to enter individual grades, you run the risk of course totals not calculating properly because the category is designed with a formula to add up items within it. If grades are directly added into the category total, you will break the formula and sums may not add up properly. It is important to know the distinction between these two buttons: grade items are for entering grades; categories are for totals within a group of grade items.

Hopefully this has cleared up any misconceptions out there, however, as always, if you have any questions, please contact edc@carleton.ca.