Please find a selection of further video resources on this topic below: 

The EU is NOT Democratic - is this true?

Video produced by The EU Made SIMPLE discussing the EU’s democratic procedures and arguments about the EU’s democratic deficit.

Date: 2022

Length: 6:19

Debate of the candidates for the presidency of the European Commission – EU Elections 2019

Video posted by the European Commission showing the 2019 televised debate of the “Spitzenkandidaten” ahead of European Parliament elections. Students may be asked to watch a segment of the debate, for instance the discussion about migration starting around 12:40.

Date: 2019

Length: 1:30:36

Viktor Orban's 'illiberal democracy' - BBC Newsnight

Documentary by BBC Newsnight on illiberal democracy in Hungary.

Date: 2018 (NB: This source is slightly dated, but still provides a good account of the main concerns about Hungarian democracy under Viktor Orbán.)

Length: 13:52