Project funding:

The material on this website has been produced and compiled for the project “Teaching European Union Governance and Policy-Making in Canada: A New Repository of Audiovisual Educational Resources”, coordinated by Achim Hurrelmann (Carleton University) and Amy Verdun (University of Victoria).

The project was supported by a Connection Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), File No. 611-2021-0052, and co-funded by Carleton University and the University of Victoria.

Project leads:

Achim Hurrelmann, Carleton University,
Amy Verdun, University of Victoria,

Research assistance:

Cassandra Szabo, Carleton University
Malcolm Thomson, University of Victoria


Landon Arbuckle, Ottawa
Levi Glass, Victoria
University of Leiden videography team
University of Osnabrück videography team