Administered by the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) and the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International), the Carleton University Achievement Awards were established to recognize outstanding achievements in teaching and research.

Research Achievement Award

This year, two members from the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs were among the recipients of the Carleton University Research Achievement Awards.

Vicky McArthur, a professor in the School of Journalism and Communication’s Bachelor of Media Production and Design (BMPD) program, won with her research project “Of Crafts and Code: A Longitudinal, Scaffolded Approach to STEM Outreach Programs for Grade One Girls in Ontario.” The project looks at the variety of ways that girls develop an interest in STEM, including programming, e-textiles, robotics and game design.

“Researchers have demonstrated that early exposure to STEM increases student interest in science, technology, engineering and math,” says McArthur. “Yet girls as young as six years old are discursively positioned as outsiders in relation to these subjects, reinforcing the gender disparity in STEM at a very early age. To conduct a more effective intervention, we need to understand the effects of a longitudinal, scaffolded approach for girls as young as six and not wait until they are twelve.”

“Carleton has been very supportive of my research. I can’t think of a better place to grow such important work.”

Jeffrey Monaghan, a professor in the Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice, received the award for his project, “Mapping Terrorism Trials: Racialization, Pre-emption, Insecurity.” The project explores how terrorism cases communicate imagined social threats, governing specific harms and expanding securitarian politics and practices.

“I’m thrilled to receive the Research Achievement Award. It’s nice to have my work acknowledged by Carleton and supported by FPA. I’m really looking forward to my next stage of research.”

Teaching Achievement Award

Marylynn Steckley, an instructor in the Bachelor of Global and International Studies (BGInS) program in the Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs, focuses on international, experiential learning. She strives to improve the accessibility and environmental sustainability of international experiences for her students.

Steckley says, “I am delighted that the University has honoured me with this award. I am especially thankful to my students. Their engagement and feedback are a constant source of learning and growth. The passion that they bring makes teaching a joy. I feel so fortunate to work with the committed, free thinking and inspiring BGInS students.”

Professional Achievement Award

Brenda Morris is an instructor in the School of Social Work who supports students in the virtual classroom to develop social work practice skills. She is committed to teaching issues of social justice, diversity, equity and inclusion. Her students learn to engage with individuals and families in an online environment.

Morris says, “I am so grateful for this award that recognizes the pedagogy of social work field education and the importance of supporting students to apply theoretical knowledge within experiential learning activities that prepare them for professional practice.”

Danette Nearing-Guibord, an instructor and field placement co-ordinator in the Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Her teaching is guided in core values of care, respect and student engagement. Her students are able to move from theory to practice through their field placement and seminar class. They learn from experts in the field who are able to guide them in future career choices.

“This award to me is a recognition of the work and dedication I have put in to ensuring that my students are engaged in their learning and use that knowledge to excel in professional practice,” says Nearing-Guibord. “I am so proud of their accomplishments and there’s no doubt that Carleton is well represented in the criminal justice field. Thank you for this honour.”

Contract Instructor Teaching Award

Jay Ramasubramanyam is a contract instructor and PhD candidate in the Department of Law and Legal Studies. He integrates literature on colonial legacies and social issues to introduce content that challenges tradition and create solidarity across marginalized communities.

“While I strive to engage in critical pedagogy based on steps taken by other critical pedagogues, my academic journey embodies a deep emotional and ancestral connection,” says Ramasubramanyam. “I think about my grandfather Dr. Gopalan Shastri today, who did not have access to the opportunities that I do. However, he has laid a pathway that has led me on this trajectory. I hope one day to do the same for others.”

View all of the 2021 Carleton University Achievement Award recipients on the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) website...

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