2017–Current | PhD in Counselling Psychology (McGill University) |
2015–2017 | MA in Counselling Psychology (McGill University) |
2012–2015 | BA Honours in Psychology, minor in Sexual Diversity Studies (McGill University) |
Research Interests
Isabelle is currently a PhD student in the Counselling Psychology program at McGill University. She conducts her research under the supervision of Dr. Marina Milyavskaya and Dr. Martin Drapeau.
Under the supervision of Dr. Marina Milyavskaya, Isabelle’s principal line of research is grounded in self-determination theory, and focuses on motivation and the experience of obstacles in goal pursuit. More precisely, she investigates how autonomous vs. controlled motivation influences the subjective vs. objective experience of obstacles, and the potential role of situation selection.
Leduc-Cummings, I., Werner, K. M., & Milyavskaya, M. (2018). Self-regulation. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackleford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer.
Leduc-Cummings, I., Starrs, C. J., & Perry, J. C. (2017). Idealization (Defense Mechanism). In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackleford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer.
Leduc-Cummings, I., Milyavskaya, M., & Peetz, J. (2017). Goal motivation and the subjective perception of past and future obstacles. Personality and Individual Differences. 109, 160-165.
Select Conference Presentations
Leduc-Cummings, I., & Milyavsksya, M. (2017, July). The Influence of Motivation on the Subjective vs. Objective Experience of Obstacles that Interfere with Goal Pursuit. Poster presented at the Fifth World Congress on Positive Psychology (IPPA), Montreal, Quebec.
Leduc-Cummings, I., Milyavsksya, M., Kline, J., & Cole, S. (2017, July). Obstacles in goal pursuit: Does motivation influence how people set up their environment? Poster presented at the 18th General Meeting of The European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain.
Leduc-Cummings, I., Knoll, M., Starrs, C. J., & Perry, J. C. (2017, June). Patterns of defense use in relationship episodes in psychotherapy. Panel presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Toronto, Ontario.
Leduc-Cummings, I., & Milyavsksya, M. (2017, May). Motivation, goal attainment, and the subjective vs. objective experience of obstacles. In M. Milyavskaya (Chair), Dynamics of Personal Goal Pursuit. Symposium presented at the 29th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston, MA.
Leduc-Cummings, I., Comeau, T., & Fitzpatrick, M. (2016, June). Exploring Posttraumatic Growth through Changes in Values in Veterans: A Scoping Review. Poster presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Jerusalem, Israel.
Leduc-Cummings, I., & Milyavsksya, M. (2016, June). Subjective Perception of Past and Future Obstacles. Poster presented at the 6th International Conference on Self-Determination Theory, Victoria, B.C.
Notable Awards
2017–2020 | Doctoral Research Scholarship (FRQSC) ($60,000) |
2017 | McGill University Graduate Excellence Fellowship ($8,000) |
2017 | Graduate Student Enhancement Award for Research Development, McGill University ($250) |
2017 | Lieutenant Governor of Québec Medal |
2016 | Donna Kuzmarov Prize, McGill University ($5,000) |
2016–2017 | Master’s Research Scholarship (FRQSC) ($15,000) |
2016 | Lester Luborsky Student Poster Award (1st place); 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research ($US 500) |
2016 | Graduate Student Enhancement Award for Research Development, McGill University ($250) |
2015–2016 | Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program, Master’s Scholarship (SSHRC) ($17,500) |
2015–2016 | McGill University Graduate Excellence Fellowship ($5,000) |
2014 | NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award ($5,625) |