Shelby Levine
Alumni (MA Student)
Email: | ShelbyLevine@cmail.carleton.ca |
Office: | SSRB 314E |
LinkedIn: | Connect |
2018–Current | PhD in Clinical Psychology (McGill University) |
2016–2018 | MA in Psychology (Carleton University) |
2012–2016 | BSc Honours in Psychology, Minor in Neuroscience & Mental Health (Carleton University) |
Research Interests
Shelby Levine was a MA student in the Department of Psychology at Carleton University. Under the supervision of Dr. Marina Milyavskaya, she examined the effects of perfectionism on mental health in students transitioning from high school to University. She is interested in working on interventions to reduce maladaptive perfectionism in students through coping and self-compassion.
Levine, S. L., Holding, A. C., Milyavskaya, M., Powers, T. A., & Koestner, R. (in-press). Collaborative autonomy: The dynamic relations between personal goal autonomy and perceived autonomy support in emerging adulthood results in positive affect and goal progress. Motivation Science.
Levine, S. L., Milyavskaya, M., & Zuroff, D. (2020). Perfectionism in the transition to university: Comparing diathesis-stress and downward spiral models of depressive symptoms. Clinical Psychological Science, 8(1), 52-64.
Werner, K. M., Milyavskaya, M., Klimo, R., & Levine, S. L. (2019). Examining the unique and combined effects of grit, self-control, and conscientiousness in predicting academic goal motivation: A commonality analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 81, 168-175.
Levine, S. L., Green-Demers, I., Werner, K. M., & Milyavskaya, M. (2019). Perfectionism in adolescents: Self-critical perfectionism as a predictor of depressive symptoms across the school year. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 38(1), 70-86.
Levine, S. L., & Milyavskaya, M. (2018). Domain-specific perfectionism: An examination of perfectionism beyond the trait-level and its link to well-being. Journal of Research in Personality, 74, 56-65.
Levine, S. L., Werner, K. M., Capaldi, J. S., & Milyavskaya, M.(2017). Let’s play the blame game: The distinct effects of personal standards and self-critical perfectionism on attributions of success and failure during goal pursuit. Journal of Research in Personality, 71, 57-66.
Paper Presentations
Levine, S.L. & Milyavskaya, M. (June 2017). The differential effects of personal standards and self-critical perfectionism on health behaviours during the transition to university. Blitz talk presented at the Canadian Psychological Association National Convention; Toronto, ON
Levine, S.L., Werner, K.M., Capaldi, J.S. & Milyavskaya, M. (January 2017). Let’s play the blame game: The distinct effects of personal standards and self-critical perfectionism on attributions of success and failure in goal pursuit. Blitz talk presented at the Psychology Graduate Student Conference; Ottawa, ON
Poster Presentations
Levine, S.L., Green-Demers, I. & Milyavskaya, M. (May 2017). The differential influence of perfectionism on depression and anxiety in adolescents. Presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention; Boston, MA.
Levine, S.L. & Milyavskaya, M. (May 2017). Is it important, is it me? The influence of trait and domain-specific motivation on domain importance and inclusion in identity. Poster presented at the Society for the Study of Motivation Meeting; Boston, MA.
Shaw, M., Werner, K.M. & Levine, S.L. (May 2017). Parenting styles, perfectionism, and goal pursuit: Is there a perfect combination for becoming a successful young adult? Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference in Psychology; Ottawa, ON.
Harrison, S., Levine, S.L. & Milyavskaya, M. (April 2017). Does self-critical perfectionism lead to depression during the transition to university? Investigating self-efficacy beliefs and coping strategies as mediators. Poster presented at the Psychology Undergraduate Research Event; Ottawa, ON. ***Winner of Best Poster Award***
Capaldi, J., Werner, K.M., Levine, S.L. & Milyavskaya, M. (January 2017). Differential goal characteristics of adaptive and maladaptive perfectionists. Poster presented at SPSP Annual Conference; San Antonio, TX.
Levine, S. & Zelenski, J. (June 2016). The unique effects of awe and nature on prosocial behaviour and interest. Poster presented at the CPPA Annual Conference; Niagara, ON.
Levine, S. & Zelenski, J. (May 2016). Can Awe Elicit Interest? Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference in Psychology; Ottawa, ON.
Levine, S., King, J. & Heron, S. (Nov. 2015). Eating perception, friendship and weight change in first year university students. Poster presented at the Canadian Undergraduate Health Conference; Kingston, ON.
Levine, S., King, J. & Heron, S. (May 2015). Eating perception, friendship and weight change in first year university students. Poster presented at the Psychology Outside of the Box Conference; Ottawa, ON.
Notable Awards
2017–2018 | Canadian Graduate Student’s Master Scholarship (SSHRC) |
2016–2018 | Departmental Psychology Scholarships |
2016 | University Medal in Science |
2016 | Faculty of Arts and Social Science Undergraduate Summer Research Internship |
2016 | George Joseph Cooper Scholarship for Outstanding Community Involvement |
2016 | Bader Travel Award |
2012–2016 | Carleton University Dean’s List |
2012–2016 | Faculty of Science Scholarship |
2015 | Emerging Generation Grant |
2013 | Dean’s Summer Research Internship |