All of our work examines links between psychosocial factors and health outcomes.

    Currently, we are working on the following questions:

    • What are the links between mental health and physical health among people with diabetes?

    People with diabetes are more likely to have elevated depressive symptoms than people without diabetes. This work examines links between mental health and physical health among people with diabetes. This area of research also examines associations between aspects of positive mental health and physical health in this population. 

    • How and when do spouses influence the diabetes-related health outcomes?

    Our health can be shaped by other people. In this line of work, we investigate spousal influences on health. Specifically, we examine dyadic associations between psychosocial factors and diabetes-related health outcomes. That is, do characteristics of Sally predict Harry’s health outcomes and vice versa? 

    • Can strong habits help people lead healthier, happier lives?

    Strong habits are impulses to perform a behaviour automatically in response to a cue in the environment. This work examines how strong habits can help people adhere to their health and wellbeing goals.