Wooden puppet

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Name of the exhibit: Arnold Sprecher’s Dancing Wooden Puppet

Submitted by: Marlene Wolinsky

Date of origin: February 22, 1939

Origin of the object: The wooden dancing puppet was carved by Arnold Sprecher while he was detained at Dachau concentration camp.

Description: The puppet and board are carved from wood. The doll’s arms and legs are hinged and the wood is painted black. The board that the puppet dances on is painted with black and red circles. This puppet was created during the period of time (1938-1939) when Arnold Sprecher, along with his brothers Herman (Herschel) and Simon who worked in Cologne as tailors, were picked up by the S.S. and taken to the Dachau concentration camp. It’s was carved at the camp.

Voyage to Ottawa: My father, Arnold Sprecher, took it with him when he escaped from Cologne, Germany and travelled with it as he journeyed to England, Halifax, Sherbrooke Quebec’ s internment camp, Ottawa and Montreal where he lived from 1943-2005.