Staying Human 1 Staying Human 2 Staying Human 3

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Name of the exhibit: Postcard from the train to Auschwitz, June 4, 1944

Submitted by: Anna Hercz

Date of origin: June 4, 1944

Origin of the object: This is the goodbye postcard written by my mother to Karcsi, her future husband and my father, from Kosice en route to the unknown. My mother and her family, mother, father, sisters, and a 5-year-old nice, along with thousands of other Jews, were en route from Oradea, Romania (then Hungary) to Auschwitz. Written on the official Hungarian Army postcard addressed to Dr. Mozes Karoly (away in the Ukraine with the Hungarian Army Labour Service), was thrown from the cattle car in Kosice and was forwarded by a good-willed railway worker. My father brought this card home and I still have it. It was included in my mother’s book Remaining Human through the Holocaust published in English by the University of Calgary Press in 2005.

Description: The postcard is a unique reminder of my family’s tragic past. Grandparents from both sides, three aunts, and a 5 year old nice were murdered in Auschwitz. My mother, father, one aunt and an uncle survived. See the attached book and document for the photo of the postcard and the exert from the book offering more background on the significance of the postcard.

Voyage to Ottawa: My mother, Terez Mozes, author of the Holocaust memoir Staying Human through the Holocaust gave me the original postcard in 1997 to be included in the publication of her book in Canada. She is 99 years old and is living in Israel.

Additional Information: Click to read an excerpt from the book “Staying Human through the Holocaust”.