Read some of the wonderful testimonies from participants from previous years!
Most beneficial part of the program?
For me, it was meeting so many inspiring people, both my fellow participants and the guest speakers/curators/artists/historians. The connections we made last week and the diverse perspectives are invaluable. – Christa Nemnom, 2024
What was your favorite part of the program? Was there a particular topic that you would like to explore more?
All the themes explored during the programme were absolutely interesting and sometimes a discovery. I particularly enjoyed the visit at Ingenium because their approach to public consultation and their performance of content and narratives (great displays) were really impressive and inspiring. The part dedicated to accessibility and the day spent at the OAG remain though my favourite talks and visits. The presentations and conversations held during those times deeply impacted my reflections and informed what I am bringing home. – Camilla Portesani, 2024