Graduate Supervision (Health: Science, Technology, and Policy MSc) :

Maria Pimenova, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: Gerotranscendence:
Spirituality and health among older adults (MSc in progress)

Emily Tippins, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: Believing in science: Linking religious beliefs and identity with vaccination intentions and trust in science during a global pandemic (MSc completed April 2022; in collaboration with Dr. Hymie Anisman, Department of Neuroscience)

Erica Chen & Devin Wood. Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: Social participation, networks, support & health among older adults: Analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (MSc completed April 2020)

Victoria Bond, Edna Tehranzadeh, Margot Wallace, & Connie Wu. Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: The power of peer support: Assessing the health impacts of the Java Music Club (HSTP MSc completed April 2019; in collaboration with Bruyère Continuing Care and Java Group Programs)

Jenna Briglio, Laura Lobay, Christine Soong, & Kristen Zintel, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: Peer support and dementia: Reducing social isolation by enhancing social identity (HSTP MSc completed April 2018; in collaboration with Bruyère Continuing Care and Java Group Programs)

Mehreen Anjum, Natalie Fersht, Hayley Miloff, Laura Cruise-O’Dell, & Claire Pilon-Robertson, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: Triple Jeopardy: Caregiving Challenges, Cultural Barriers, and Precarious Support among Unpaid Ethnocultural Caregivers in Ottawa (HSTP MSc completed April 2017; in collaboration with the Social Planning Council of Ottawa; co-supervised with Dr. Susan Braedley, School of Social Work)

Kayla Goulet, Sabrina Ladak, Sandy Lam, Beth Stanley, & Anna Tomczak, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: Through Seniors’ Eyes: Age-Friendly Communities and Quality of Life (completed April 2016; in collaboration with Age-Friendly Ottawa and Riverstone Retirement Communities; co-supervised with Dr. Susan Braedley, School of Social Work)

Sarah Ambrose, Jason DiMuzio, Neerija Kumar, Ariel Root, & Monica Shehata, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: Built Environment: Your Ottawa Neighbourhood and Determinants of Health (BEYOND-Health) Study (completed April 2016; co-supervised with Dr. Paul Villeneuve)

Lisa Carroll, Jessica Chippior, Shazya Karmali, & Deepika Sriram, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: We are caregivers: Identifying support resources for informal caregivers in a rural setting (completed April 2015; in collaboration with the Almonte General Hospital; co-supervised with Dr. Sue Aitken)

Kathryn Crabbe, Rima Kandar, Elena Milicevec, & Owen McMorris, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: There’s no place like Fairview: The relationship between the social identity of staff/volunteers and the social engagement of residents (completed April 2015; in collaboration with the Almonte General Hospital; co-supervised with Dr. Sue Aitken)

Graduate Supervision (MSc: Health Sciences)

Madeline Lamanna, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: Imagining age-friendly communities within communities: Uncovering social and physical barriers to age-friendly transportation (MSc completed August 2020; in collaboration with Dr. Susan Braedley, School of Social Work)

Graduate Supervision (Departments of Psychology & Neuroscience)

Mitra Rahimpour, Department of Neuroscience, Carleton University. Title: Religion and coping with
experiences of stress and trauma among members of the Bahá’í faith: Links to social identity,
collective support, and mental health (PhD completed April 2024; co-supervised with Dr. Kim
Matheson, Dept. of Neuroscience)

Angela Paric, Department of Neuroscience, Carleton University. Title: Biopsychological effects of social participation on aging: The role of identity-affirming music and the arts (PhD completed April 2019; in collaboration with Bruyère Continuing Care, Riverstone Retirement Communities, and Artswell; co-supervised with Dr. Hymie Anisman, Dept. of Neuroscience)

Olivia Pochopsky, Department of Neuroscience, Carleton University. Title: Social Connectedness, Resilience, and Mental Health among Retirement Community Residents (MSc completed Aug 2017; in collaboration with Riverstone Retirement Communities; co-supervised with Dr. Hymie Anisman, Dept. of Neuroscience)

Graduate students can apply to work with me through the Departments of Health Sciences, Psychology, or Neuroscience.

Undergraduate Supervision

Samantha Ho, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. (I-CUREUS Summer Student 2024)

Erika Uzoegwu, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. (Carleton EDI Summer Research Student 2024)

Bronwyn Williams, Department of Psychology, Carleton University. Title: Existential Authenticity,
Religiosity, and Mental Health: Age Differences in an Increasingly Secular Society (Hons BA
completed April 2024)

Tarini Jayaprakash, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: Gerotranscendence and the secularization of society (I-CUREUS project completed April 2024)

Sarah Milton, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: Collective post-traumatic
growth following sexual assault or harassment among women (Directed Studies completed
April 2023; in collaboration with Dr. Orla Muldoon, University of Limerick)

Claire Peneycad, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: Believing in science: Linking religious beliefs and identity with vaccination intentions and trust in science during a global pandemic (I-CUREUS project completed April 2021; in collaboration with Dr. Hymie Anisman, Department of Neuroscience)

Tamara Slavkovska, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Title: COVID-19 and seniors at home: Addressing diverse needs, supporting seniors’ service innovation (I-CUREUS project completed April 2021; in collaboration with Dr. Susan Braedley, School of Social Work)

Mohamed Serhan, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Project title: There’s no place like home: A qualitative examination of housing and health among seniors and caregivers in Ottawa (BHSc completed May 2020)

Bethan Wilson, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Project title: Are brains in sync? Exploring team-based inter-brain synchrony using EEG hyperscanning during different decision-making conditions (in progress; co-supervised with Dr. Kent Hecker, University of Calgary)

Rohana Hossain, Institute of Cognitive Science, Carleton University. Project title: The leaky pipeline: Unique challenges among postdoctoral women and impacts on health (Honours BCogSci completed August 2018)

Erin Macdonald, Department of Psychology, Carleton University. Project title: You’ve got E-mail: Assessing the health benefits of social and online connections among older adults (CUROP project completed September 2017)

Noah Latchem, Institute of Cognitive Science, Carleton University. Project title: Music matters: Melodies to nourish the brain and mind among older adults living with dementia and their caregivers (Honours BCogSci completed August 2017)

Sarah Zutrauen, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University. Health Sciences Summer Research Internship (Research Assistant, May-August, 2015, 2016, 2017)

Alyssa Johnston, Department of Neuroscience, Carleton University. Project title: Healthy aging in older adults with physical disabilities: Social, psychological, biological factors (Honours BSc completed April 2017)

Elisa Makadi, Department of Psychology, Carleton University. Project title: Do extraverts have more (group-based) fun? Personality moderates relations between group identification and positive affect (BA completed August 2016)

Fatimah Mirza, Department of Neuroscience, Carleton University. Title: The role of social identities and self-efficacy on the psychological health and physiological stress responses of women with experiences of abuse (I-CUREUS project completed April 2015; co- supervised with Dr. Hymie Anisman)

Talib Karamally, School of Psychology, University of Ottawa. Title: Elevating feelings of well-being: The impact of religious music and identity (completed April 2014; co-supervised with Dr. Kim Matheson)

Astra Motilall, Department of Psychology, Carleton University. Title: Religious identity threat: Psychological responses among minority vs. majority religious group members (completed April 2008; co-supervised with Dr. Kim Matheson)

Catherine Brunelle, Department of Psychology, Carleton University. Title: Humour and forgiveness: A comparison between coping mechanisms and their effects in response to an interpersonal transgression (completed May 2005; co-supervised with Dr. Kim Matheson)