To All Members of the Carleton Community,

Earlier this fall, President Benoit-Antoine Bacon announced that Carleton would convene a broad and inclusive committee to revitalize our Indigenous strategy and re-energize our relationships with Indigenous communities in the region and across the country.

As a result, we formed the Carleton University Strategic Indigenous Initiatives Committee (CUSIIC). We are pleased to announce that 25 members have accepted appointments to serve on this important committee. The committee is comprised of a broad representation of people from both our on-campus and off-campus communities. We are pleased to welcome First Nations, Métis and Inuit members from local communities, as well as Carleton faculty, professional services staff and students. The full list of members who have accepted is available on the CUSIIC website.

The committee will begin meeting in January, when we will develop our engagement themes and conduct an environmental scan of the Indigenous initiatives currently taking place at Carleton. We will seek your feedback through a series of consultation sessions during 2019.

By early fall, we will share our draft report, which will include Carleton-specific recommendations as part of an institutional response to the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Our goal is to ensure that these recommendations, and subsequent action plan, create spaces for dialogue and relationship-building. We are fully committed to ensuring that the final recommendations are implemented in order to support positive long-term change on our campus.

You can read more about the committee’s work in the Building on Indigenous Initiatives story posted on the Carleton website. We will continue to update you on the committee’s progress and will post information on the CUSIIC website.


Kahente Horn-Miller
Co-Chair, Carleton University Strategic Indigenous Initiatives Committee
Assistant Professor, Program Coordinator, Indigenous Studies
Co-Director, Centre for Indigenous Research, Culture, Language, and Education,

Benny Michaud
Co-Chair, Carleton University Strategic Indigenous Initiatives Committee
Assistant Director, Indigenous Initiatives, Equity Services

Jerry Tomberlin
Co-Chair, Carleton University Strategic Indigenous Initiatives Committee
Interim Provost and Vice-President (Academic)