Manuel Baez
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x 2879 |
Email: | manuel.baez@carleton.ca |
Office: | 229 Architecture Building |
Manuel A. Báez is a professor at the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism. His work as an architect, artist and researcher draws inspiration from the generative potential of the forms, structures and integrative systems generated by elemental processes that exist throughout the natural environment.
“I’m honoured to be included in this committee and look forward to contributing to this timely initiative,” says Báez.
Báez has exhibited and lectured at numerous international conferences and institutions. Leonardo da Vinci scholar Martin Kemp has featured Báez’s research in his 2016 book Structural Intuitions: Seeing Shapes in Art and Science. Báez won the 2017 Dream competition held by Heritage Canada with his design of The Gather-Ring, a contemplative and reflective pavilion on the Portage Bridge as part of Canada 150.
In 2014, the Light Keeper permanent ceiling installation at Carleton’s Ojigkwanong Centre was designed and built by Báez and Architecture students, in consultation with the centre’s architect, Douglas Cardinal.
His research has been supported by such agencies and institutions as the Canada Council for the Arts, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Canada Science and Technology Museum, the New York Foundation for the Arts, the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, Cranbrook Academy of Art and Carleton.