We ask you to share your knowledge with us by attempting to answer the question:

How does Leonardo enter your discipline?

In honour of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci (May 2, 1519) we invite all faculty and instructors, staff, and students, as well as Carleton alumni, to submit proposals, including but not limited to: talks, experiential learning initiatives, exhibitions, installations, artwork, projects and other such activities to the committee for consideration and scheduling during 2019. We are more interested in the lesser-known Leonardo than the well-known individual who made great inventions and engineering marvels. In particular, we are seeking contributions of any kind from colleagues and interested parties in the areas of:

  • Culinary science (e.g., Leonardo had various recipes, invented a prototype of an icebox, pressure cooker, etc.)
  • Dramatic arts (e.g., Leonardo designed sets for theatrical presentations and invented a revolving stage)
  • Astronomy (a talk on his astronomical contributions is needed!)
  • Psychology (e.g., Freud wrote a whole book analyzing Leonardo’s psyche)
  • Gender Studies (e.g., Sexuality and Leonardo)
  • Geography (e.g., redesigning the flow of rivers through cities)
  • Geology (e.g., realizing that shells and fish bones appearing in caves high above land were once submerged in water)
  • Health Sciences (e.g., his influential anatomical drawings, studies in physiology)
  • Art (e.g., his paintings, drawings, sketches, …)
  • Architecture (e.g., design of various churches)
  • Music (e.g., invention of a string organ)
  • Sculptures (e.g., his never realized famous bronze horse for Sforza)
  • Botany (e.g., his botanical sketches)
  • Physics (e.g., his ideas about light and its effects)
  • Cartography (e.g., his extremely accurate maps of some locations)
  • Mathematics (e.g., his persistent interest in the classical Greek problems)

And many, many other fields of endeavour!

For further information, please contact Angelo Mingarelli (Chair, Leonardo 2019) at leonardo2019@carleton.ca.