Literatures in Europe Today

CKCU Literary News is an internet-based broadcasting service of Radio CKCU-FM 93.1 . Launched in 1975, the station is an integral part of the Carleton University community in Ottawa, Canada. It is currently producing  a new program: Literatures in Europe Today. Starting in October 2010, the show will be aired twice a month (time still to be announced). Episodes last 20 minutes. They can be heard locally at FM 93.1 and on live stream > All episodes will be made available as podcast (mp3-audio files for free downloading).

Hosted by Hans G. Ruprecht, in collaboration with Carleton’s multicultural community and numerous correspondents, the show is bringing news items, features and interviews on

  • Selected writers and their recent works as reviewed in Europe
  • Regional differences (cultures / languages / borders)
  • Historical relations (traditions / changes)
  • Books (poetry, fiction, drama, essay) in the News
  • Prizes (national, international award-winning authors)
  • Themes, genres and styles of contemporary writing
  • New Media (blogs, e-magazines) and creative writing
  • Circumstances of commemorative celebrations
  • Inter- / national literature (theatre, poetry) festivals,
  • Inter- / national book fairs (London, Paris, Frankfurt, etc.)
  • Perspectives on cultural, and ‘literary life’ in major European cities
  • Latest trends in dramatic performance
  • New film adaptations of fiction: reception and critique

You’ll find additional information under PROGRAM, CALENDAR, and ABOUT.

Please feel free to submit comments and suggestions. We would like to hear from you.

Contact: <radio.ckcu.litnews@]>