Keith Sjögren recently retired as Managing Director at Investor Economics, a leading provider of research and advisory services to the financial services industry in Canada.

Prior to joining the consulting profession in 1995, Keith held a number of executive positions at CIBC, including Senior Vice President, Private Banking & Trust, and President, CIBC Securities. His banking career spanned retail banking, wealth management and international banking. He lived and worked in the United States, Iran, the United Kingdom and Singapore.

Educated at Carleton University and the University of Toronto, Keith is a Fellow of the Institute of Canadian Bankers and holds the Partners, Directors and Officers, qualification of the Canadian Securities Institute.

Keith is the Chair of the Advisory Council to the MPNL and DPNL programs, at Carleton University. He’s also a member of the Investment Committee of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Foundation, a member of the Seniors Expert Advisory Committee of the Ontario Securities Commission, and a member of the Executive Committee of the Emeritus Counsel of the Canadian Opera Company.

Keith is the author of several major reports about the transfer of wealth; women and wealth; high-net-worth clients in Canada; women and philanthropy; donor-advised funds; and other issues. He’s a frequent speaker at wealth management conferences and has spoken at major conferences dealing with philanthropy and the charitable sector.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 in
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