Keratiloe Mogotsi Speaking at Carleton University

Dr. Keratiloe Mogotsi speaks at a panel discussion, “Philanthropy in a Global Context: Trends to Watch,” hosted during the MPNL program’s 10th anniversary celebrations on June 29, 2023. Beside her is Michael Moody (Frey Foundation Chair for Family Philanthropy, Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy) and Charles Sellen (Global Philanthropy Advisor & Instructor in the MPNL program).

Through a partnership with Johannesburg-based Wits Business School (WBS) and the Ottawa-based Carleton University, the Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment (CAPSI) has offered a joint elective module on Philanthropy and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a faculty exchange with Carleton’s Masters in Philanthropy and Non-Profit Leadership (MPNL) program.

The MPNL program is led by Prof. Susan Phillips, and earlier this year, twelve MPNL students took part in the SDGs module. In addition, the program hosted WBS lecturer Dr. Keratiloe Mogotsi as a visiting scholar from June 1 to July 1, 2023. This involved providing lectures, an exchange program with students and faculty, and engagements and speaking engagements for the 10-year anniversary of the MPNL program.

“We are excited about this partnership and the growth of the Masters in Philanthropy program with international collaborators such as Carleton University. It is a tremendous opportunity for both institutions,” says Dr. Mogotsi.

WBS students studying African Philanthropy have the opportunity to co-learn and collaborate with their counterparts in Canada through this joint elective module in Philanthropy and SDGs.

Monday, July 17, 2023 in ,
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