Prof. Banu Ormeci has successfully collaborated with more than 25 industrial partners in Canada, USA, Europe and China.  Our research has benefited our partners by improving their existing products and instruments, creating new applications, developing new methods, opening new markets, and generating intellectual property. Please note that we do not do product quality testing. What we do is to apply the knowledge generated from our fundamental research to create new and innovative processes, methods, and applications that can directly benefit companies and help them to grow their business.

The Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario have many programs in place to encourage collaborations between universities and industrial partners with the ultimate goal of benefiting the economy. Some of these programs do not require any cash or in-kind contribution from industrial partners and funding can be secured in less than 2 months. For more information on funding opportunities and initiating a potential collaboration with Prof. Ormeci, please contact her at

Our research and testing capabilities include, but not limited to:

  1. Physical, chemical, and biological characterization of water, wastewater, and biosolids.
  2. Lab-scale and pilot-scale reactors to investigate and optimize the performance of treatment processes.
  3. Advanced UV processes and other disinfection systems.
  4. Using advanced microbiology and molecular biology to investigate biological treatment and disinfection systems.
  5. Using advanced analytical chemistry to investigate the removal of emerging contaminants and trace organic compounds during treatment processes.
  6. In-line and real-time monitoring and optimization systems.