We are happy to announce that we are kicking off our 2024-2025 Inherent Rights Youth Initiative! We have a lot of great sessions planned and hope it will be another great year full of learning and laughter.

We are happy to offer this year’s program “Inherent Rights in Practice”.

Inherent Rights Leadership Training (Virtual)

Session 1 – The People Pillar

Citizen Engagement

World Cafe & Open Space Facilitation Training

September 2024

Session 2 – The Land Pillar

Consultation & Accommodation with Catherine MacQuarrie

Policy 101 Workshop

October 2024

Session 3 – Governing Systems Pillar

Constitution Building with Aronhiaies Herne

Haudenosaunee Confederacy Great Law of Peace Teachings

November 2024

Session 4 – Jurisdiction & Laws Pillar

Language & Lawmaking

December 2025

Session 5 – Resources Pillar

Section 35 with Dr. Kent McNeil

What does it mean to declare ourselves under Section 35 and how do we do it?

January 2025

RFNG Rekindling the Fire Gathering (In Person): March 2025