Transforming Indian Act Governance Project Building Community, 2019

The Transitional Governance Project (TGP) was a multi-year campaign to identify the most effective ways for First Nations to transition from Indian Act administrations to self-determining governments. It supported participating nations in rebuilding effective and efficient governance with their people and over their territories.

The TGP was launched in October 2017. The launch event combined formal presentations by community leaders and academics with open dialogue on the inherent right to self-government among more than 50 participants. The TGP partners also secured funding to support continued work by First Nation partners in service of transitional governance, particularly around the policy aspects of mastering the Indian Act and governing from the inherent right.

The Building Community Workshop highlighted this work by bringing our partners together to determine next steps.

View the recordings from the 2019 Building Community Workshop here!

Welcome to Unceded Algonquin Territory

Overview of the Project

Systems Mapping the Indian Act

Exploring Approaches to Mastering the Indian Act: Policy Governance

Case Study: Lil’wat Nation

Roundtable Conversations


Final Thoughts