A treasure chest of reference materials on Indigenous rights and other issues in Canada

These two recently released documents provide researchers and anyone interested in Indigenous issues access to a wealth of thinking, analysis and case law stretching back decades.  We are grateful to RFNG partner Kent McNeil and his colleagues at Osgoode for allowing us to share these extensive bibliographies with you.

Haddock, Leslie and McNeil, Kent, “Bibliography on Indigenous Rights in Canada, 1995-2023” (2023). All Papers. 350. https://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/all_papers/350/

PDF: Bibliography on Indigenous Rights in Canada 1995-2003

Kristen Clark, Leslie Haddock, and Kent McNeil, Indigenous Peoples in Canada: A Bibliography of Legal and Other Works to 1994, September 2022, online: https://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/all_papers/351

PDF: Bibliography Pre-1995

What’s the difference between band council administration and self-government? This chart quickly summarizes the major distinctions and their implications including on lawmaking authority, governing systems, land and resource management, finance and economy, and other pillars of effectively governing under the Inherent Right.

Indian Act vs. Self-Determination